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Determination of Geostationary Orbits (GEO) Satellite Orbits Using Optical Wide-Field Patrol Network (OWL-Net) Data 원문보기

Journal of astronomy and space sciences, v.36 no.3, 2019년, pp.169 - 180  

Shin, Bumjoon (Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) ,  Lee, Eunji (Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University) ,  Park, Sang-Young (Department of Astronomy, Yonsei University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, a batch least square estimator that utilizes optical observation data is developed and utilized to determine geostationary orbits (GEO). Through numerical simulations, the effects of error sources, such as clock errors, measurement noise, and the a priori state error, are analyzed. Th...


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제안 방법

  • In this section, Monte Carlo simulation with varying noise levels was carried out to analyze the effects of observation noise on the OD accuracy. Note that the noise was set from 1 to 100 arcseconds, unlike the actual value of several arcseconds, for characteristics analysis.
  • In this study, we have developed and verified a batch least square estimator which utilizes optical observation data to determine the orbits of GEO objects. The characteristics of the observation error sources and OD results were analyzed by numerical simulations using pseudo-optical observation data.
  • In this study, orbit determination (OD) software employing a batch filter is developed to independently operate a space surveillance system. Moreover, this software generates pseudo-optical observation data to examine the effects of the arc length, observation intervals, clock errors, noise, and a priori uncertainty on the accuracy of the OD for a GEO satellite. It is significant that the optical observation data for a domestic geostationary satellite taken from OWL-Net is analyzed using the developed software.
  • The target orbital elements, dynamics model, and estimation options applied to the batch filter are indicated in Table 2. The OD accuracy was evaluated by comparing the estimated states to the reference states.
  • The accuracy of the OD for the GEO satellite was analyzed using various observation intervals, with the condition of a fixed arc length of 7,200 seconds and a noise level varying from 1 to 20 arcseconds. The accuracy of the OD tends to increase as the observation interval is shortened (Fig.

대상 데이터

  • The optical wide-field patrol network (OWL-Net) is the first Korean optical surveillance system of space objects, constructed to protect space assets by tracking and monitoring domestic satellites. The system was developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), and makes use of five observatories in Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Israel, and the USA. Measurement data composed of topocentric right ascension and declination is extracted from the image pixel coordinates (Park et al.


  • The statistical validity of the algorithm can be verified by confirming the consistency between the covariance matrix and practical OD estimation results from a Monte Carlo simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation was conducted 1,000 times using a priori state error corresponding to the a priori covariance and pseudo-observations with Gaussian errors reflecting observation noise. The verification was conducted for GEO, similar to previous research where the same process was used for LEO (Lee et al.
  • In this study, we have developed and verified a batch least square estimator which utilizes optical observation data to determine the orbits of GEO objects. The characteristics of the observation error sources and OD results were analyzed by numerical simulations using pseudo-optical observation data. Furthermore, the developed batch filter was applied to OD for a GEO satellite, COMS, using real observation data from OWL-Net and the results were compared with TLE.
  • A covariance matrix calculated through a batch filter indicates the accuracy of the derived estimation results based on a system model and the observation quality. The statistical validity of the algorithm can be verified by confirming the consistency between the covariance matrix and practical OD estimation results from a Monte Carlo simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation was conducted 1,000 times using a priori state error corresponding to the a priori covariance and pseudo-observations with Gaussian errors reflecting observation noise.


  • Although sequential estimation is better suited to realtime monitoring compared to a batch-type estimator, the batch-type estimator is more accurate and robust (Crassidis & Junkins 2011). Considering the objective of this study, to obtain accurate orbit solution for long-time prediction, and the process of the optical tracking system where the measurement data is extracted from optical images after observations, the batch least squares method was employed in this work. The batch least squares is the simplest method of estimating epoch states using a set of observed data over a period.
  • In this study, the batch estimator was developed in the Matlab environment employing the General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) as the dynamics model. GMAT was developed and released for public use by NASA, and the force models and numerical integrator in the software have been verified and applied to practical mission analysis (Hughes et al.
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참고문헌 (13)

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