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통합 물관리를 위한 우리나라 지하수 관리 패러다임 전환과 정책방향
Groundwater Management Pradigm Shift and Policy Directions for Integrated Water Management in Korea 원문보기

지하수토양환경 = Journal of soil and groundwater environment, v.26 no.6, 2021년, pp.176 - 185  

현윤정 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ,  한혜진 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper aims to develop a new paradigm for groundwater management which is compatible with integrated water management policies in Korea. Three key roles of groundwater are defined for addressing water cycle distortion, high water stress, water quality degradation, aquatic ecosystems deterioratio...


표/그림 (7)

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

제안 방법

  • 본 연구에서는 통합물관리를 위한 국가 물관리 정책 기조의 전환기에 이에 부합하는 국내 지하수 정책 방향 설정에 앞서, 그간 물관리 한계와 국가 물이용 전망, 지하수의 장단점 등을 고려하여 국내 물관리에서의 지하수의 역할을 다음의 세 가지로 정립하였다.


  • 새로운 지하수관리 패러다임에 따라 현행 지하수 관리의 문제점을 해결하고 건전한 물순환 달성을 위한 지하수 정책 방향을 설정하기 위하여 SWOT 분석을 수행하였다. SWOT 분석에 따르면 S-O 전략으로 물순환의 주요 구성요소로서 지표수와 연계한 지하수 관리가 요구된다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (24)

  1. Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission(ACRC), 2018, Agricultural harm by groundwater depletion due to railway construction... Korea National Railway is to develop groundwater wells, Press Release. 

  2. An, J.H., Lee, S.S., Lee, S.E., Hyun, Y., Kim, Y.I., and An, H.J., 2021, Issues and Policy Directions toward Unification of River Management, Korea Environment Institute. 

  3. Choi, Y.H., Kum, D., Ryu, J., Jung, Y., Kim, Y.S., Jeon, J.H., Kim, K.S., and Lim, K.J., 2015, A Study of Total Nitrogen Pollutant Load through Baseflow Analysis at the Watershed, J. of Korean Society on Water Environment, 31(1), 55-66. 

  4. Han, S.W., 2021, Measures to improve the groundwater management system considering the publicity of the groundwater, Environmental Law and Policy, 27, 275-307. 

  5. Han, D.-H. and Kim, I.-J., 2009, Analysis of Stream Ecosystem Health in Headwater Areas Using Landcover Data, Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference, 496-500. 

  6. Han, H.J., Kim, S.B., Lee, D., Chang, Y.S., Lee, K.Y., and Kim, J.S., 2020, A Framework and Strategy for the Integrated Water Cycle Management, Korea Environment Institute. 

  7. Hyun, Y. and Moon, H.-J., 2012, Preliminary Study on Environmental Values of Groundwater Resources in Korea, Korea Environment Institute. 

  8. Hyun, Y., Lee, S.J., Kim, K.H., Cha, E.J., and Jeon, S.Y., 2018, Policy Directions for an Optimal Management of Groundwater Quality, Ministry of Environment. 

  9. Hyun, Y., Moon, H.-J., Jung, W.H., Kim, K.H., Lee, M.H., Chan, E.J., Jeong, A.-Y., Kim, J.-J., Kim, J.Y., 2020, A Framework and Strategy for Groundwater Management on a Watershed, Ministry of Environment. 

  10. Hyun, Y., Cha, E.J., and Jeong, W.H., 2021, Using groundwater wells for drought daptation empowerment of local governments, Environment Forum, No.255, 25(6), 1-25. 

  11. Hyun, Y., Cha, E.J., Lee, G.S., and Jeong, A.-Y., 2021, Management Strategies for Groundwater Uses in Agricultural Areas Considering Changes of Agricultural Patterns in the Era of Cimate Crisis, Korea Environment Institute. 

  12. Jeon, Y.H., Kim, J.K., and Kim, C.G, 2007, Future Prospects of Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project in Korea, J. of Environmental Research, 4, 27-34. 

  13. Kang, H.S., Hyun, Y., and Jeon, S.M., 2015, Study on the Development and Implementation of Baseflow Index for the Management of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems, Korea Environment Institute. 

  14. Kim, I.-J., Lee, S.S., Yang, I.J., Gwank, H.E., Kim, Y.I., and Hwang, B.E., 2020, A Study of Improving Management of Rivers and Agricultural Water from the Perspective of Integrated Water Management (I), Korea Environment Institute. 

  15. Kim, K., 2020, Groundwater Quality Management Policy in Korea and Suggestions for Improvement, Proceedings of the Korea Agicultural Engineering, 288. 

  16. Korea Law Infomation Center(KLIC), 2021a, Framework Act on Water Management, https://www.law.go.kr/법령/물관리기본법 [accessed 21.11.28]. 

  17. Korea Law Infomation Center(KLIC), 2021b, Groundwater Act. https://www.law.go.kr/법령/지하수법 [accessed 21.11.28]. 

  18. Lee, G.Y., Song, M.Y., Han, S.H., and Yeon, Y.J., 2018, Establishment of Governance Systems in Han River Water Basin for the Integrated Water Management, Gyeonggi Research Institute. 

  19. Ministry Concerned Joint(MCJ), 2020, A 3rd Master Pla for Management of Rainfall Discharged Non-Point Pollution Sources(2021~2025). 

  20. Ministry Concerned Joint(MCJ), 2021, A 1st Mater Plan for a National Water Management. 

  21. Ministry of Environment(MOE), 2019, 2019 Groundwatet Annual Report. 

  22. Ministry of Land, Insfrastructure, and Transport(MOLIT), 2016, 3rd Revised Plan for 4th Water Resources Long-Term Master Plan(2001-2020). 

  23. Ministry of Land, Insfrastructure, and Transport(MOLIT), 2017, A Revised Plan for 3rd Groundwater Management Basic Plan(2017-2026). 

  24. Won, G.H., 2020, Integration of Water Financial System, J. of Water Policy and Economy, 33, 51-62. 

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