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뉴 실버 세대의 패션관심도와 라이프스타일에 따른 패션 색채 선호도 연구
A Study on Fashion Color Preferences According to the Fashion Interest and Lifestyle of the New Silver Generation 원문보기

패션비즈니스 = Fashion business, v.25 no.5, 2021년, pp.38 - 56  

이세미 (건국대학교 예술디자인대학원 패션인더스트리학과) ,  구수민 (건국대학교 예술디자인대학 의상디자인학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The New Silver Generation, which includes retired baby boomers, is eschewing traditional lifestyles, remaining socially and economically active, and striving to enjoy their lives. It is necessary to understand the preferences, sensibilities, and fashion propensities of such individuals. Thus, this s...


표/그림 (15)

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Baek, M., & Byun, M. (2011). A study on fashion brand for new silver generation -focused on national brand 「SHWAEREUCHEE」-. Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture, 17(2), 226-236. 

  2. Chang, A, H. (2005). A study on fashion design of silver age -focused on elderly women's clothing design preference : an application of delphi method-. Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 7(6), 577-584. 

  3. Huh, J. (2019). A study on the satisfaction analysis of performing arts views in new silver generation. (Unpublished master's thesis). Seokyeong University, Seoul, Korea. 

  4. Han, S. J., & Ha, J. S. (2017). Lifestyles and fashion styles of new silver generation women. Journal of Fashion Design, 17(3), 67-81. doi:10.18652/2017.17.3.5 

  5. Jung, J. (2010). A study on the symbolism of color and the expression of natural image. (Unpublished master's thesis). Daejin University, Pocheon, Korea. 

  6. Kim, E. (2010). Study of improvement in color perception for universal design : in respect of bus station in Seoul. (Unpublished master's thesis). Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. 

  7. Kim, H. (2008). Design of scarf by the expression of sensitivity of colors -focusing on achromatic colors-. (Unpublished master's thesis). Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. 

  8. Kim, J. (2010). A study on the preference test of packaging color design and color marketing. (Unpublished master's thesis). Chungang University, Seoul, Korea. 

  9. Kim, J. S., & Yum, H. S. (2021). Fashion style of women silver surfers on the sns shopping channel. Journal of Fashion business, 25(2), 34-50. doi:10.12940/jfb.2021.25.2.34 

  10. Lee, D. (2012). A study on the space-design of a theme park for the New sliver generation. (Unpublished master's thesis). Andong University, Andong, Korea. 

  11. Lee, E. (1983). 복식의장학 [Fashion design]. Gyeonggi-do: Gyomoonsa. 

  12. Lee, H. (2012). A study on the development of functional jewelry design based on color reflect of new silver generation. (Unpublished doctor's thesis). Dongshin University, Naju, Korea. 

  13. Lee, J. (2010). Study on color preference and color sensibility of depressed patients. (Unpublished master's thesis). CHA University, Pochon, Korea. 

  14. Lee, S. (2005). A study on the color application of strategy the silver marketing. (Unpublished master's thesis). Hongik University, Sejong, Korea. 

  15. Lee, Y. (2008). Well-being underwear designs for the new silver generation. (Unpublished master's thesis). Incheon University, Incheon, Korea. 

  16. Maeng, L. (2008). The influence of clothing color preference of adolescents on the self expression desire and fashion interest. (Unpublished master's thesis). Chungang University, Seoul, Korea. 

  17. Min, J. (2009). A study on the analysis of color preference by korean and japanese silver lifestyle. (Unpublished master's thesis). Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea. 

  18. Park, H., Jung, H. & Choi, J. (2012). 색채 이미지를 창조하다[To create a color image.], Daegu: Daegu University Press. 

  19. Park, J. (2012). New senior generation's fashion image -focused on the oriented values, oriented quality of life- (Unpublished master's thesis). Ulsan University, Ulsan, Korea. 

  20. Park, Y. S., & Son, H. Y. (2012). A study on the silver generation's color preference for color designs in silver industries -focusing on silver products on online websites-. Journal of the Korean Society of Color Studies, 26(1), 5-19. doi:10.17289/jkscs.26.1.201202.5 

  21. Yoo, S. (2008). A Study on an interior color planning method for residential welfare facilities for the elderly based on color image preferences. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Hongik University, Seoul, Korea. 

  22. Yoon, S. (2016). A study on new silver generation's emotional communication and customized-virtual assistant contents. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea. 

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