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사용자 참여설계를 통한 교실공간계획에 관한 연구 - 인천광역시 학교공간 혁신사업 사례를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Classroom Space Planning through User Participation Design - Focusing on the case of School Space Innovation Project in Incheon - 원문보기

커뮤니티교육시설 : 한국교육시설학회논문집 = Community Education Facilities, v.28 no.4, 2021년, pp.11 - 17  

손석의 (An-jeong Urban Regeneration Center) ,  김승제 (Dept. of Architecture, Kwangwoon Univ.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study is aimed at presenting an efficient management plan of user participatory design in a situation where the School Space Innovation Project is in progress. 2 schools that were the targets of the Incheon School Space Innovation Project in 2019 were selected for this, and features such as the...


표/그림 (17)

참고문헌 (3)

  1. Cho, Chang-Hee., Lee, Hwa-Ryong., A Study on the Efficient Operation Methodology of User Participatory Design for School Facilities, Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities, 22(1), pp3~12, 2015 

  2. Song, Eun-A, A Study of the Method of Application for Participatory Design -Focused on Local Pubic Complex in Japanese, Journal of the Korean Institute of Culture Architecture, vol.26, 2009 

  3. Kim, So-Yeon, Lee, Hyun-Soo., Analysis of Previous Research Trends about Participatory Design in Public Design & Architecture - Focused on the Research papers of the Korea -, Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design, 27(6), pp156~165, 2018 

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