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액화수소 수송용 진공자켓 밸브의 진공도에 따른 열적특성에 대한 연구
A Study on the Thermal Characteristics of the Vacuum Jacket Valve for Transporting Liquefied Hydrogen According to the Degree of Vacuum 원문보기

한국수소 및 신에너지학회 논문집 = Transactions of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, v.32 no.6, 2021년, pp.585 - 591  

오승준 (동아대학교 고기능성밸브 기술지원센터) ,  전경숙 (동아대학교 고기능성밸브 기술지원센터) ,  윤정환 (동아대학교 고기능성밸브 기술지원센터) ,  최정주 (동아대학교 기계공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Liquefied hydrogen have advantage which reduces the volume by about 800 times or more compared to hydrogen gas, so it is possible to increase the storage density. However, liquefied hydrogen produced by cryogenic cooling of 20 K or less at normal pressure has a problem of maximizing the insulation e...


참고문헌 (12)

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  12. J. H. Lee, J. H. Yoon, and S. P. Kim, "Statistical experimental study for verifying thermal characteristics of insulated double pipe", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 32, 2018, pp. 2317-2325, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12206-018-0443-y 

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