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[국내논문] Cu(II)를 이용하여 표면개질된 활성탄의 인산염 제거효율 향상
Enhancement of phosphate removal using copper impregnated activated carbon(GAC-Cu) 원문보기

上下水道學會誌 = Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, v.35 no.6, 2021년, pp.455 - 463  

신정우 (상명대학교 건설시스템공학과) ,  강서연 (상명대학교 건설시스템공학과) ,  안병렬 (상명대학교 건설시스템공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The adsorption process using GAC is one of the most secured methods to remove of phosphate from solution. This study was conducted by impregnating Cu(II) to GAC(GAC-Cu) to enhance phosphate adsorption for GAC. In the preparation of GAC-Cu, increasing the concentration of Cu(II) increased the phospha...


참고문헌 (17)

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  2. Al-Ghouti, M.A. and Da'ana, D.A. (2020). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of adsorption isotherm models: A review, J. Hazard. Mater., 393, 122383. 

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  4. An, S.K., Song, W.J., Park, Y.M., Yang, H.A., and Kweon, J.H. (2020). Effects of chemical modification on surface characteristics and 2, 4-dichlorophenol adsorption on activated carbon, J. Korean Soc. Water Wastewater, 34(6), 425-435. 

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  6. Hwang, M.J., Hwang, Y.S., and Lee, W. (2015). Phosphate adsorption on metal-impregnated activated carbon, J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 37(11), 642-648. 

  7. Kim, T., and An, B. (2020). Adsorption characteristic of Cu (II) and phosphate using non-linear and linear isotherm equation for chitosan bead, J. Korean Soc. Water Wastewater, 34(3), 201-210. 

  8. Kim, T., and An, B. (2021). Effect of hydrogen ion presence in adsorbent and solution to enhance phosphate adsorption, Appl. Sci., 11(6), 2777. 

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  11. Lee, S., Kim, C.W., and Paik, D.H. (2015). Evaluation of phosphorus adsorption characteristic with surface modified activated carbon, J. Korean Soc. Urban Environ., 15(3), 189-197. 

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  13. Na, C.K., and Park, H.J. (2011). Applicability of theoretical adsorption models for studies on adsorption properties of adsorbents (II), J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 33(11), 804-811. 

  14. Na, C.K., Han, M.Y., and Park, H.J. (2011). Applicability of theoretical adsorption models for studies on adsorption properties of adsorbents (1), J. Korean Soc. Environ. Eng., 33(8), 606-616. 

  15. Park, Y.R., Hong, S.H., Kim, J.H., and Park, J.Y. (2012). Arsenic Removal using the surface modified granular activated carbon treated with ferric chloride, J. Korean Soc. Water Wastewater, 26(1), 77-85. 

  16. Tran, H.N., You, S.H., and Hosseini-Bandegharaei, A. (2017). Mistakes and inconsistencies regrading adsorption of contaminants from aqueous solutions: A critical review, Water Res., 120, 88-116. 

  17. Zhao, D. and SenGupta, A.K. (1998). Ultimate removal and recovery of phosphate from wastewater using a new class po polymeric exchangers, Water Res., 32, 1613-1625. 

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