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철도 신호제어 시스템의 AHP 기법 적용을 통한 성능평가 대상설비 항목 개선 및 안전성 확보에 관한 연구
On the Improvement of Facility to Performance Evaluation and Security of Safety through the Application of AHP Method in Railroad Signal Control System 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.23 no.1, 2021년, pp.71 - 79  

황선우 (한국철도기술연구원 북방철도연구센터) ,  김주욱 (한국철도기술연구원 북방철도연구센터) ,  김영민 (아주대학교 시스템공학과) ,  김형철 (한국철도기술연구원 전철전력연구팀) ,  이수환 ((주)에이알텍)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The railroad facilities are intended for long-term operation as the initial acquisition costs necessary for infrastructure construction are high. Therefore, regular maintenance of railroad facilities is essential, and furthermore, system reliability through systematic performance evaluation is requi...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. G. U. Kang, I. S. Jung, J. Y. Kim, M. B. Seo(2020), "Preliminary study on the simulation for urban railway facility performance assessment." Korea Academy Industrial Cooperation Society, 21(3): 190-198. 

  2. H. C. Kim, J. Y. Park(2017), "The selection of important electric facilities for railway performance analysis." Conference on the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 19-20. 

  3. H. C. Kim, S. K. Kim(2017), "A study on electric power performance evaluation item of electric railway." Conference on the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 21-22. 

  4. H. C. Kim, S. K. Shin, H. S. Jung, J. Y. Park, W. S. Oh(2016), "A study on condition assessment of electric railway research facility." Conference on the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 320-321. 

  5. H. J. Kang, Y. S, Kim, J. S. Sim, H. G. Im, K. S. Ryu, G. S. Lee(2010), "Maintenance optimization of the railway power facility." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 530-535. 

  6. H. J. Park, Y. Park, H. S. Jung, H. C. Kim(2011), "A comparative study on the railway electricity maintenance management." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 1202-1207. 

  7. H. M. Kim, Y. H. Kim(2010), "Analysis of railway infrastructure maintenance system." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 1523-1528. 

  8. K. H. Choi, Y. H. Kim, J. W. Lee, J. H. Song, K. Y. Song(2011), "Technical review on the QRA of railway safety facilities." Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science, 13(3):1-8. 

  9. K. M. Na, H. S. Jung, S. K. Shin, H. C. Kim(2020), "Performance evaluation analysis program for electric railway facilities." The Korean Society For Railway, 23(6):542-550. 

  10. Korea Railroad Research Institute(2017), Study on the condition evaluation technique and standard preparation of railway electric facilities. 

  11. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2020), The 1st railroad facility maintenance basic plan[2021-2025]. 

  12. S. G. Park, S. T. Song, C. M. Jeong(2013), "Analysis of the status of the railway facility maintenance and its implications." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 383-389. 

  13. T. H. Kim, J. C. Lee(2007), "On an approach to developing the operational architecture for a railway safety information system." Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science, 9(6):9-17. 

  14. Y. H. Kim, S. H. Lee, J. Y. Park, Y. J. Kim, A. R. Jung, H. C. Kim(2017), "A study on the selection of the condition assessment for the railway signal facility." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 1139-1144. 

  15. Y. S. Oh, B. K. Kim(2011), "The study on the efficiency of conventional railway infrastructure maintenance on current status." Conference on the Korean Society For Railway, 2205-2216. 

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