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Investigation of the suitability of new developed epoxy based-phantom for child's tissue equivalency in paediatric radiology 원문보기

Nuclear engineering and technology : an international journal of the Korean Nuclear Society, v.53 no.12, 2021년, pp.4158 - 4165  

Yucel, Haluk (Ankara University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Besevler 10.Yil Campus) ,  Safi, Aziz (Ankara University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Besevler 10.Yil Campus)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, tissue equivalency (TE) of a newly developed epoxy-based phantom to 3-5 years child's tissue was investigated in paediatric energy range. Epoxy-based TE-phantoms were produced at different glandular/adipose (G/A) ratios of 17/83%, 31/69%, 36/64% and 10/90%. A procedure was developed i...


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