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이해관계자와 이용객 설문 조사를 통한 국내 ODA 산림협력사업 평가 연구 - 인도네시아 룸핀양묘장 사업을 대상으로 -
Evaluation of the ODA Forest Cooperation Projects in Korea through Stakeholder and Visitor Survey - A Case Study of the Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Center Projects in Indonesia - 원문보기

環境復元綠化 = Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, v.24 no.2, 2021년, pp.19 - 37  

이현정 (단국대학교 환경원예.조경학과 대학원) ,  김휘문 (단국대학교 환경원예.조경학과 대학원) ,  김경태 (단국대학교 환경원예.조경학과 대학원) ,  김영 (단국대학교 환경원예.조경학부) ,  최재용 (충남대학교 산림환경자원학과) ,  송원경 (단국대학교 환경원예.조경학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

It is essential that the evaluation of official development assistance (ODA) projects is conducted based on empirical research for the performance and improvement of the project. This study intended to quantitatively figure out the actual status and performance of ODA projects. The performance of th...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (43)

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  12. Kang, YS. 2014. A study on Environmental Politics in Indonesia: Focusing on Tropical Rainforests. The Journal of Philippine&Southeast Asian Studies. 17(1) : 1-44. (in Korean with English summary). 

  13. Kim, EJ and GB Kang. 2017. A study on systematization of performance indicators for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of ODA projects in public administration. Journal of International Development Cooperation. 12(3) : 165-193. (in Korean with English summary). 

  14. Kim, EM.JH Kim.JK Kim and JE Lee. 2012. Propulsion Directions for Korea's Official Development Assistance. Journal of International Development Cooperation. 7(4) : 11-31. (in Korean with English summary). 

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  35. Yoo, BI and BE Yoon. 2014a. Strategies for Progress of Korea's Official Development Assistance in the Forestry Sector-Based on the Comparison of Finland and Norway's Development Cooperation Strategies. International Development and Cooperation Review. 6(1) : 187-222. (in Korean with English summary). 

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  38. Yoo, HK. 2011. International Politics of ODA: Focused on Japan's ODA toward Indonesia. Southeast Asia Journal. 20(2) : 173-205. (in Korean with English summary). 

  39. Yoon, JH.SH Lee.HB Park.KH Kim.DJ Choi.EG Kim.HK Sohn.EH Jung.HJ Noh and JH Hong. 2013. Research on Establishing Mid-long Term Vision and Plan for Global Educational Cooperation Research and Project(RR2013-15). Research report to KEDI. (in Korean). 

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  43. Zoo, HN.HS Sohn and HJ Lee. 2016. A review of International Development Studies in South Korea: Trends and Challenges. Journal of International Area Studies. 20(4) : 3-34. (in Korean with English summary). 

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