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점탄성유체의 Capillary Breakup 가시화 및 신장유변물성 측정
Capillary Breakup of Viscoelastic Fluid and its Extensional Rheology 원문보기

한국가시화정보학회지= Journal of the Korean society of visualization, v.19 no.1, 2021년, pp.81 - 87  

전현우 (School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  최찬혁 (School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  김병훈 (School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  박진수 (School of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Extensional flow of viscoelastic fluids is widely utilized in various industrial processes such as electrospinning, 3D printing and plastic injection molding. Extensional rheological properties, such as apparent viscosity and relaxation time, play an important role in the design and evaluation of th...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bhardwaj, A., Richter, D., Chellamuthu, M. and Rothstein, J. P., 2007, "The effect of pre-shear on the extensional rheology of wormlike micelle solutions", Rheol. Acta, Vol. 46, pp. 861-875. 

  2. Sentmanat, M., Wang, B. N. and McKinley, G. H., 2005, "Measuring the transient extensional rheology of polyethylene melts using the SER universal testing platform", Journal of Rheology, Vol. 49, pp. 585-606. 

  3. Rodd, L. E., Scott, T. P., Cooper-White, J. J. and McKinley, G. H., 2005, "Capillary Break-up Rheometry of Low-Viscosity Elastic Fluids", Applied Rheology, Vol. 15, pp. 12-27. 

  4. Arnolds, O., Buggisch, H., Sachsenheimer, D. and Willenbacher, N., 2010, "Capillary breakup extensional rheometry (CaBER) on semi-dilute and concentrated polyethyleneoxide (PEO) solutions", Rheol. Acta, Vol. 49, pp. 1207-1217. 

  5. McKinley, G. H. and Tripathi, A., 2000, "How to extract the Newtonian viscosity from capillary breakup measurements in a filament rheometer", Journal of Rheology, Vol. 44, pp. 653-670. 

  6. Miller, E., Clasen, C. and Rothstein, J. P., 2009, "The effect of step-stretch parameters on capillary breakup extensional rheology (CaBER) measurements", Rheol. Acta, Vol. 48, pp. 625-639. 

  7. Sachsenheimer, D., Hochstein, B., Buggisch, H. and Willenbacher, N., 2012, "Determination of axial forces during the capillary breakup of liquid filaments - the tilted CaBER method", Rheol. Acta, Vol. 51, pp. 909-923. 

  8. Anna, S. L. and McKinley, G. H., 2001, "Elasto-capillary thinning and breakup of model elastic liquids", Journal of Rheology, Vol. 45, pp. 115-138. 

  9. Entov, V. M. and Hinch, E. J., 1997, "Effect of a spectrum of relaxation times on the capillary thinning of a filament of elastic liquid", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 72, pp. 31-53. 

  10. Vadodaria, S. S. and English, R. J., 2016, "Extensional rheometry of cellulose ether solutions: flow instability", Cellulose, Vol. 23, pp. 339-355. 

  11. Clasen, C., 2010, "Capillary breakup extensional rheometry of semi-dilute polymer solutions", Korea-Australia rheology journal, The Korean Society of Rheology, Vol. 22, pp. 331-338. 

  12. Dunderdale, G. J., Davidson, S. J., Ryan, A. J. and Mykhaylyk, O. O., 2020, "Flow-induced crystallisation of polymers from aqueous solution", Nature Communications, Vol. 11, pp. 3372. 

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