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저압 SCR을 위한 디젤발전기 배기가스 온도 변화
Temperature Variation of Exhaust Gas in Diesel Generator for Low Pressure SCR 원문보기

海洋環境安全學會誌 = Journal of the Korean society of marine environment & safety, v.27 no.2, 2021년, pp.355 - 362  

홍철현 (한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원) ,  이창민 (한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원) ,  이상득 (한국해양대학교 해사대학)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

L.P SCR의 촉매 반응을 위해 선박의 발전기용 4행정 디젤엔진의 배기가스 온도를 높게 설계 할 수밖에 없었다. 본 연구의 목적은 밸브개폐시기와 연료분사시기를 조정을 통한 배기가스의 온도 감소가 L.P SCR의 운전조건을 만족시키고 고온으로 인한 발전기 엔진의 사고를 예방하기 위함이었다. 배기가스 온도를 하강시키기 위해 캠샤프트의 각도를 조정하고 연료분사펌프의 Shim을 추가하였다. 그 결과 최대폭발압력은 12.8 bar 증가하였고 터보차저 출구온도 평균값은 13.3 ℃ 하강하였다. 터보차저 출구에서 SCR 입구까지의 열손실을 감안하더라도 L.P SCR 운전조건인 SCR 챔버 입구 온도인 290 ℃를 만족하였다. 배기가스 온도 하강을 통해 디젤발전기의 안전운전이 가능하게 한 연구였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To facilitate low-pressure selective catalyst reduction (L.P SCR), a high exhaust-gas temperature of a four-stroke diesel engine for a ship's generator is required. This study aimed at reducing the exhaust-gas temperature by adjusting the valve open-close timing and fuel injection timing to satisfy ...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Basaran, H. U. and O. A. Ozsoysal(2017), Effects of application of variable valve timing on the exhaust gas temperature improvement in a low-loaded diesel engine, Journal of the ELSEVIER, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 758-767. 

  2. HYUNDAI(2019) HIMSEN 4-Stroke Diesel Engine Instruction Manual 6H21/32, Volume 1, Fuel Injection Timing, M35400, p. 5/5. 

  3. HYUNDAI(2019) HIMSEN 4-STROKE DIESEL ENGINE Instruction Manual 6H21/32, VOLUME 1, FUEL OIL SYSTEM, M51101, p. 1/1. 

  4. Jeon, H. J and Choi, J. S(2004), 「Internal Combustion Engine Lecture (Revised Edition)」, p. 194. 

  5. Keskin, A., A. Yasar, O. G. Gandemir, and H. Ozarslan(2020), Influence of transition metal based SCR catalyst on the NOx emissions of diesel engine at low exhaust gas temperatures, Journal of ELSEVIER, Fuel, Volume 273, 117785, pp. 7-8. 

  6. Kim, H. K., C. H. Jeon, and Y. J. Chang(2001), A Study on the Emission Characteristics in 4stroke Large Propulsion Diesel Engine, Journal of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, p. 42. 

  7. Kim, H. K., J. G. Kim, C. H. Jeon, and Y. J. Chang(2002), A Experimental Study on the Emission Characteristics in 4 Stroke Propulsion Diesel Engine for Ship, Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, p. 121. 

  8. Lee, J. Y(2004), An experimental study on characteristics of exhaust gas temperature with the change of spark timing and exhaust valve timing on cold start operation of and SI engine, Kookmin University, Graduate School of Automotive Engineering, Master's Thesis In Engineering, p. 10. 

  9. Ni, P., X. Wang, and H. Li(2020a), A review on regulations, current status, effects and reduction strategies of emissions for marine diesel engines, Journal of the ELSEVIER, Fuel 279, p. 9. 

  10. Ni, P., X. Wang, and H. Li(2020b), A review on regulations, current status, effects and reduction strategies of emissions for marine diesel engines, Journal of the ELSEVIER, Fuel 279, p. 12. 

  11. Won, J. M. and S. C. Hong(2019), Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Technology Trend for the Removal of Nitrogen Oxide from Ship Flue Gas, KIC News, Volume 22, No. 5, p. 26. 

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