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[국내논문] 비부착, 비접촉 방식의 계측기를 이용한 반구대암각화 암반 절리면의 계측
Measurement of Bangudae Rock Joint Using Non-adhesive, Non-contact Inclinometer Slope Laser Measuring System 원문보기

보존과학회지 = Journal of conservation science, v.37 no.6, 2021년, pp.617 - 625  

김재현 (시설물안전연구원(주) 부설연구소) ,  이상옥 (한국전통문화대학교 보존과학연구소) ,  정광용 (한국전통문화대학교 보존과학연구소) ,  한민수 (한국전통문화대학교 문화유산전문대학원 문화재수리기술학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

울주군 대곡리 일대의 대곡천은 가지산 도립공원에서 양산단층을 가로질러 태화강 합류지점에 이르는 계곡과 암반이 발달된 지역이다. 계측할 반구대 암각화 암반은 광물학적 풍화, 절리, 하부의 세굴이나 공동이 확인되었다. 본 계측은 반구대 암각화가 세겨진 암반의 절리면을 대상으로 단기간 계측을 수행하였다. 기존 광섬유를 이용한 계측값(Ch4 150 ㎛)과 비교하여 비부착, 비접촉식 계측기는 300㎛의 변위값이 계측되었다. 향후, 시간대별 조도값에 적합한 HSV값의 적용과 다양한 계측경험이 누적될 경우, 본 계측기는 다양한 문화재에 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Daegokcheon Stream in Daegok-ri, Ulju-gun, is an area with a developed valley and bedrock from Gajisan Provincial Park to the confluence of the Taehwa River across the Yangsan Fault. To measure the rock of Bangudae petroglyphs, the mineralogical weathering, joints, and scours or cavities at the bott...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. Cultural Heritage Administration, 2014, Bangudae petroglyphs surface cleaning and 3D survey, ENGUAED 

  2. Choi, B.R., 2002, Study of rock slope stability in Bangudae area. Bulletin of Science Education, 18, 57-62. 

  3. Cho, H.J. and Moon, J.K., 2010, An engineering survey and proposal on preservation of petrograms at Daegok Brook. Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics, Tunnel & Underground Space, 20(3), 194-206. 

  4. Hwang, S.I., Park, K.G. and Yoon, S.O., 2010, Periodic immersion of the Bangudae Petroglyphs and rock weathering characteristics. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, 45(3), 342-359. 

  5. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 1972, EonYang geological map, 1:50000. 

  6. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, KIGAM, big data open platform, Geologic Map of Korea 2019, 1:1,000,000. 

  7. Lee, C.H., Chun, Y.G., Jo, Y.H. and Suh, M.C., 2012, Evaluation of slope stability and deterioration degree for Bangudae Petroglyphs in Ulsan, Korea. Journal of Conservation Science, 28(2), 153-164. 

  8. Lee, S.H. and Kim, S.J., 2004, Weathering characteristics of sedimentary rocks affected by periodical submerging, Korea. J Miner. Soc, 23-35(March, 2004). 

  9. Lee, S.O., Chegal, S.D. and Cho, H.J., 2016, Availability test of eco-levee construction for presevation of Bangudae petroglyphs, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 931-939. 

  10. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2006, Report of Daegok River maintenance basic plan. 

  11. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2008, Study for operation of the water level of Sayeon Dam. 

  12. Moon, M.D., 2018, A study on conservation issues and countermeasures of the Pangudae Daegok-ri Petrographs. Silcheon Munhak, Seoul, 231-243. 

  13. National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, 2019, Daegokcheon Stream Petroglyphs Comprehensive Research Report, 238-250. 

  14. Ulsan Metropolitan City, 2003, Study of conservation measures in Bangudae area. 

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