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NTIS 바로가기韓國農村建築學會論文集 = Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture, v.23 no.2, 2021년, pp.25 - 32
위소연 (미강건축사사무소) , 성대철 ((재)전남문화재연구원 건축문화재연구소)
The purpose of this study is to examine the materials on Bangdapjin, summarize the excavation surveys and compare them with the past literature records and to determine the location of the Bangdapjin government office facilities. It was categorized into the castle in the original cadastral map, whic...
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(재)마한문화연구원, 방답진성 발굴(시굴)조사 약식보고서-돌산읍 소재지 정비사업-, 2013.
국립해양문화재연구소, 조선시대 수군진조사 II 전라좌수영편, 2014, pp.70-75.
여수시, 여수 방답진성 발굴조사보고서, 2007, p.48.
湖南?誌 (1895, 奎 12188).
湖南巴誌 (1872, 奎 12175).
국립해양문화재연구소, 우리배사전.
文榮龜, 全羅左水營硏究, 1992.
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