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유목의 유입규모와 군집특성을 고려하는 2차원 수치모의 실험
Two-dimensional numerical experiment considering cohort size and wood jam characteristic on driftwood 원문보기

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association = 한국수자원학회논문집, v.54 no.6, 2021년, pp.407 - 418  

강태운 (한국교통대학교 토목공학과) ,  장창래 (한국교통대학교 토목공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구에서는 유목의 유입량의 특성과 유목줄기의 길이에 따른 하천흐름과 유목거동을 분석하기 위해 2차원 흐름모형인 Nays2DH와 유목동역학모형을 결합하고 이를 활용하여 장애물 근처에서의 유목의 군집특성과 거동을 분석하였다. 또한 유목의 충돌거동을 모의하기 위해 유목동역학모형에 Dashpot-spring 모형을 추가하여 유목의 충돌에 따른 군집특성도 비교하였다. 모의결과 유목줄기의 길이에 따라 장애물구간의 통과율, 유목의 군집이송, 유목들의 평균위치가 민감하게 반응하였고 유목의 유입규모에 대해서는 통과율 이외에는 미미한 반응을 나타냈다. 본 연구를 통해 수공구조물과 유목의 상호작용을 이해할 수 있었으며 이를 통해 유목의 이송과 군집현상 등을 사전에 예측함으로써 수공구조물의 내구성 유지방안 구축에 도움이 될 것으로 사료된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the two-dimensional flow model, Nays2DH, and driftwood dynamics model were combined to analyze the flow and driftwood behavior depending on the characteristics of the inflow of driftwood and the length of the driftwood stem. In particular, the Dashpot-spring model was added to the dri...


표/그림 (10)

참고문헌 (23)

  1. Bertoldi, W., Welber, M., Mao, L., Zanella, S., and Comiti, F. (2014). "A flume experiment on wood storage and remobilization in braided river systems." Earth Surface Processes Landforms, Vol. 39, pp. 804-813. 

  2. Braudrick, C.A., and Grant, G.E. (2000). "When do logs move in rivers?" Water Resources Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 571-583. 

  3. Braudrick, C.A., Grant, G.E., Ishikawa, Y., and Ikeda, H. (1997). "Dynamics of wood transport in streams: A flume experiment." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 22, pp. 669-683. 

  4. Choi, G., Kim, K., and Park, Y. (2003). "Changes in water depth and velocity by debris around piers." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vo. 36, No. 2, pp. 273-284. (in Korean) 

  5. Gotoh, H., Okayasu, A., and Watanabe, Y. (2013). Computational wave dynamics. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, 87, World Scientific, Singapore. 

  6. International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) (2021). Japan, accessed 13 January 2021, 

  7. Kang, T. (2018). Studies on morphodynamics in shallow rivers with effects of vegetation and large wood using computational models. Ph. D. dissertation, Hokkaido University, Japan. 

  8. Kang, T., and Jang, C.L. (2020). "An Experiment on flow simulation depending on opening configuration of weir using a numerical model." Journal of Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, Vol. 7, No. 3 pp. 218-226. doi: 10.17820/eri.2020.7.3.218. (in Korean) 

  9. Kang, T., and Kimura, I. (2018). "Computational modeling for large wood dynamics with root wad and anisotropic bed friction in shallow flows." Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 121, pp. 419-431. 

  10. Kang, T., Kimura, I., and Onda, S. (2019) "Computational modeling for driftwood collision dynamics in shallow flows considering projection area, root wad and anisotropic bed friction." E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City, Panama, pp. 103-109. doi: 10.3850/38WC092019-0150 

  11. Kang, T., Kimura, I., and Onda, S. (2020a). "Congestion patterns of driftwood by a wood supply interval and a collision on sand bars." E-proceedings of River Flow Conference 2020, Netherlands, pp. 1685-1693. 

  12. Kang, T., Kimura, I., and Shimizu, Y. (2018). "Study on advection and deposition of driftwood affected by root in shallow flows." Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. I_757-I_762. 

  13. Kang, T., Kimura, I., and Shimizu, Y. (2020b). "Numerical simulation of large wood deposition patterns and responses of bed morphology in a braided river using large wood dynamics model." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 45, pp. 962-977. doi: 10.1002/esp.4789 

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  15. Kimura, I. (2018). NaysCUBE solver manual (updated). accessed January 13 2021, . 

  16. Kimura, I., and Kitazono, K. (2020). "Effects of the driftwood Richardson number and applicability of a 3D-2D model to heavy wood jamming around obstacles." Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 20, pp. 503-525. 

  17. Kimura, I., Kang, T., and Kato, K. (2020). "Computation on submerged large wood behavior around a driftwood trapping facility." Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. I_967-I_972. (in Japanese) 

  18. Lee, K., and Jang, C.L. (2018). "Numerical investigation of space effects of serial spur dikes on flow and bed changes by using Nays2D." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 241-252. doi: 10.3741/JKWRA.2016.49.3.241. (in Korean) 

  19. Manners, R.B., and Doyle, M.W. (2008). "A mechanistic model of woody debris jam evolution and its application to wood-based restoration and management." River Research and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1104-1123. 

  20. Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Blade, E., Sanchez-Juny, M., Marti-Cardona, B., Diez-Herrero, A., and Bodoque, J.M. (2014). "Two-dimensional numerical modeling of wood transport." Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 16, No. 5pp. 1077-1096. 

  21. Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Gamberini, C., Blade, E., Stoffel, M., and Bertoldi, W. (2020) "Numerical modeling of instream wood transport, deposition, and accumulation in braided morphologies under unsteady conditions: Sensitivity and high-resolution quantitative model validation." Water Resources Research, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp.1-22. doi: 10.1029/2019WR026221 

  22. Shimizu, Y., Takebayashi, H., Inoue, T., Hamaki, M., Iwasaki, T., and Nabi, M. (2014). Nays2DH solver manual, accessed January 13 2021, . 

  23. Swanson, F.J., Gregory, S.V., Iroume, A., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., and Wohl, E. (2020). "Reflections on the history of research on large wood in rivers." Earth Surface Processes Landforms, Vol. 46, No.1, pp.55-66. doi: 10.1002/esp.4814 

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