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어린이 급식시설 맞춤형 위생관리 지도서의 개발과 활용
Development and Utilization of Guidelines for Customized Hygiene Management of Children's Meal Facilities

급식외식위생학회지 = Journal of the foodservice safety, v.2 no.1, 2021년, pp.36 - 43  

최경아 (중앙급식관리지원센터) ,  이성현 (중앙급식관리지원센터) ,  박혜경 (중앙급식관리지원센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The development of food poisoning prevention guidelines aims to prevent food poisoning in advance and improve the safety of children's meals through hygiene management of children's feeding facilities, especially infants' facilities. Therefore, the composition of the content should be designed so th...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Do NH, Kim JM. 2014. Status of operation and improvement of meal services and snacks in childcare support institutions, Research Report (2014-15), korea, Korea Institute of Child Care and Education. p 158-160 

  2. Kim BR, Hur H, Hong DR. 2018. Results and Improvement Tasks of Integrated Indicators for Evaluation and Certification of Daycare Centers; Issue Analysis (28), Korea, Korea Childcare Promotion Institute, p 55-64 

  3. Korea Childcare Promotion Institute. 2021. Daycare Center Assessment Manual. 

  4. Park SH. 2018. Effects of the Cumulative Number of Visiting Education on Children Foodservice Hygiene Management, J. East Asian Soc. Diet. Life, 28(6): 463-473 

  5. Park SY, Kwon SC, Joo SJ, Park SJ, Kim MR. 2017. Effect of improvement according to the number of visits to sanitary management of children's meal centers (21 to 99 persons in size), 2017 KFN International Symposium and Annual Meeting, 299. 

  6. World Health Organization (FERG), WHO Estimates of the Global Burden of Foodborne Diseases (2007-2015) 

  7. Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021a. Early Childhood Education Act, Available from: https://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsSc.do?dt20201211&subMenuId15&menuId1&query%EC%9C%A0%EC%95%84%EA%B5%90%EC%9C%A1%EB%B2%95#undefined, [cited 2021 JUN 10] 

  8. Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021b. Infant Care Act, Available from: https://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsSc.do?dt20201211&subMenuId15&menuId1&query%EC%98%81%EC%9C%A0%EC%95%84%EB%B3%B4%EC%9C%A1%EB%B2%95#undefined [cited 2021 JUN 9] 

  9. Ministry of Government Legislation. 2021c. School Meal Act, Available from: https://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsSc.do?menuId1&dt20201211&query%ED%95%99%EA%B5%90%EA%B8%89%EC%8B%9D%EB%B2%95&subMenuId15#undefined [cited 2021 JUN 11] 

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