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스트레스 완화 목적의 아로마 요법에 관한 문헌고찰
A Literature Review of Aromatherapy Used in Stress Relief 원문보기

대한예방한의학회지 = Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine, v.25 no.2, 2021년, pp.45 - 60  

김현진 (우석대학교 한의과대학) ,  정수현 (우석대학교 한의과대학) ,  정혜인 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ,  김경한 (우석대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective : This study was aimed to review randomized controlled trials (RCTs) about whether aromatherapy relieves stress. Method : We searched document about criteria to use words like 'Aroma', 'Oil' and 'Stress'. The study included 24 RCTs which were selected by total 167 studies searched in Korea...


표/그림 (11)

참고문헌 (50)

  1. Bae IL, Hur MH. The Effects of Essential Oil Inhalation on the Stress and Sympathetic Nerve Activity. The Korean Journal of stress research. 2016;24(2):75-83. 

  2. Hedayat KM, Tsifansky M. Olfactory influences on mood and autonomic, endocrine, and immune function. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2008;33(9):1302-1303. 

  3. Lee HS. Stress freeway : better life. Busan: Yeuleum. 1994:19-23. 

  4. Lee YH, Jong SW. The effect of aroma foot spa on stress. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2012;13(5):2206-2211. 

  5. Kiser AK, Dagnelie G. Reported effects of nontraditional treatments and complementary and alternative medicine by retinitis pigmentosa patients. Clin Exp Optom. 2008;91(2):166-176. 

  6. Price S. Practical Aromatherapy. 2. London: Thorsons. 1987. 

  7. Buckle, J. Clinical Aromatherapy : Essential Oils in Practice. 2. Scotland: Churchill Living stone. 2003. 

  8. Ha BJ. Aromatherapy. Seoul: Soomoonsa. 2000:7-16. 

  9. Park Y. A Meta-analysis of the effects of aromatherapy hand massage. Journal of Digital Convergence. 2015;13(1):469-479. 

  10. Kim MJ, Nam ES, Paik SI. The Effects of Aromatherapy on Pain, Depression, and Life Satisfaction of Arthritis Patients. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2005;35(1):186-104. 

  11. Maddocks, W. The good oil. Nursing New Zealand. 1996;2(1):10-12. 

  12. Buckle J. Massage and aromatherapy massage, nursing art and science. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 2002;8(6):276-280. 

  13. Lee HS. The Effects of Aroma Inhalation on Nursing Students' Stress Response and Anxiety before Their First Clinical Practice. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 2008;19(1):112-119. 

  14. Lee HY, Kim SY. The Trends of Nursing Research on Aromatherapy in Korea. Journal of East-West Nursing Research. 2010;16(2):85-95. 

  15. Kim WJ, Kwon MH, Kwon MH, Kim JG. Effects of Aroma Therapy on EEG and Academic Stress. Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility. 2015;18(1):95-102. 

  16. Kim OJ, Kim KH, Park KS. The Effect of Aroma Inhalation on Stress, Anxiety and Sleep Pattern in Patients with Hemodialysis. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research. 2007;13(2):99-111. 

  17. Choi JW, Park JS, Jung HY, Park JS, Kang SG. Phytoncide Aroma Inhalation and Exercise Combination Therapy Mood state, college life stress and sleep of College Students. Journal of digital convergence. 2016;14(12):633-644. 

  18. Ahn JM, Hur MH. Effects of Aromatherapy Footbath on Stress and Autonomic Nervous System Activity. The Korean Journal of stress research. 2017;25(4):239-245. 

  19. Park MY, Song JH, Jung EY. The Effect of Aromatherapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Undergraduate Nursing Students. Journal of the Korean society for Welless. 2018;13(4):311-322. 

  20. Ko YJ. The Effect of Aromatherapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Undergraduate Nursing Students. Journal of East-West Nursing Research. 2012;18(2):74-80. 

  21. Yun SH, Cha JH, Yoo YS, Kim YI, Chung SM, Jeong HL. Effects of Aromatherapy on Depression, Anxiety and the Autonomic Nervous System in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Adjuvant Radiotherapy. Korean journal of hospice and palliative care. 2012;15(2):1229-1285. 

  22. Oh SY, Kang JH, Jang TS, Choi HJ, Ahn TW. Efficacy of Inhalation Therapy using Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa Blended Oil and Spa Therapy on Stress : A Double-blind, Randomized, Single center Clinical Trial. Journal of Haehwa Medicine. 2017;26(1):2586-3002. 

  23. Kim IS, Kang SJ, Kim JO. Effects of the Aroma Inhalation Method with a Roll-on on Life Stress, Salivary Cortisol and Fatigue in Nursing Student. Journal of the Korea AcademiaIndustrial cooperation Society. 2014;15(12):7214-7223. 

  24. Oh HM, Jung GS, Kim JO. Effects of Aroma Inhalation Method with Roll-on in Occupation Stress, Depression and Sleep in Female Manufacture Shift Workers. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2014;15(5):2903-2913. 

  25. Park SH, Park HJ. Effects of Aroma Hand Massage on Stress, Fatigue, and Sleep in Nursing Students. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundaments of Nursing. 2019;26(2):86-95. 

  26. Park SH. Effects of Aromatherapy on Stress and Mood of Junior Nursing Students during Clinical Practice. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2018;19(12):71-79. 

  27. Ko YJ, Jung MY, Park KS. Effects of Aroma Inhalation Method on Test Anxiety, Stress Response and Serum Cortisol in Nursing Students. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundaments of Nursing. 2013;20(4):410-418. 

  28. Lim SY, Park HJ. The Effects of Aroma Inhalation Therapy on Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Coronary Care Unit Patients. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association. 2016;16(3):1-10. 

  29. Go GY, Park HJ. Effects of Aroma Inhalation Therapy on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and the Autonomic Nervous System in High-risk Pregnant Women. Korean journal of women health nursing. 2017;23(1):33-41. 

  30. Choi EM, Lee KS. Effects of Aroma Inhalation on Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate, Sleep, Stress, and Anxiety in Patients with Essential Hypertension. Journal of Korean biological nursing science. 2012;14(1):41-48. 

  31. Kim MH, Kim JI, Ha E. Effects of Aroma-Necklace Application on Perceived Stress, Symptoms of Stress and Changes in Autonomic Nervous System among Nursing Students in Clinical Training. Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science. 2014;16(4):334-341. 

  32. Song EJ, Lee MY. Effects of Aromatherapy on Stress Responses, Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Blood Pressure in the Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2018;48(1):1-11. 

  33. Oh HS, Gang GH. Effects of Foot Baths on Stress and exhaustion for high school senior students -A comparative study on the aroma oil and fermentation extract-. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 2010;11(1):402-408. 

  34. Kim CG, Cho MK, Kim JI. Effects of Phytoncide Aromatherapy on Stress, Symptoms of Stress and Heart Rate Variability among Nursing Students. Journal of Korean biological nursing science. 2012;14(4):249-257. 

  35. Kim NH, Jeong HM, Jo HY, Byun JN. Effects of Lavender Aroma Oil Necklace on Stress and Depression among Nursing College Students with Upcoming Clinical Training. Asiapacific journal of multimedia services convergent with art, humanities, and sociology. 2017;7(7):369-376. 

  36. Nam MJ, Nam MS, Song HH, Yun MY, Chin CH, Cheong KJ. The Effects of Aroma Inhalation on The Stress Responses of Woman College Students. Korean journal of aesthetics and cosmetics society. 2009;7(4):152-182. 

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  40. Chang SJ, Koh SB, Kang DM, Kim SA, Kang MG, Lee CG et al. Developing an Occupational Stress Scale for Korean Employees. The Korean Society of Occupational Medicine. 2005;17(4):297-317. 

  41. Lee BY. A Study on Academic Stress and Stress with High-School Admission among Middle Schoolers. Gangwon, Korea: The Graduate School of Education Kangwon University; 2007. 

  42. Ahn HL. An experimental study of the effects of husband's supportive behavior reinforcement education on stress relief of primigravidas. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1985;15(1):5-16. 

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  44. Lee IH. A Study of the Effects of Half-Bath on Women's Stress and Blood Composition Change : Esters Systemic Aroma. Seoul, Korea: The Graduate School of Beauty Arts Seokyeong University; 2007. 

  45. Yoo JS, Chang SJ, Choi EK, Park JW. Development of a stress scale for Korean nursing students. Journal of Nurses Academic Society. 2008;38(3):410-419. 

  46. Oh HK. Aromatherapy handbook. Seoul: Yang-Moon. 2002. 

  47. Oh HG. The practice of aromatherapy. Anyang: Academya. 2010:191. 

  48. Buckle, J. Clinical aromatherapy in nursing. London: Arnold. 1997. 

  49. Jung YJ. Effects of aromatherapy on blood pressure, heart rate variability, and serum catecholamines in the pre-hypertension middle aged women. Seoul Korea: Graduate School of Catholic University; 2007. 

  50. Oh HK. Aromatherapy : YangMoon. 2000:24-25, 42-45. 

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