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NTIS 바로가기한국콘텐츠학회논문지 = The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, v.21 no.8, 2021년, pp.49 - 59
정승호 (문화재청 국립문화재연구소) , 김태형 (문화재청 국립문화재연구소) , 안재홍 (KAIST 문화기술대학원)
Since ancient times, legends and tales have been handed down with a spirituality, shamanistic meaning, and imagination. Among many tales about people and animal footprints that are handed down in various parts of Korea, Changnyeong's 'Munhojang Footprint' is the first case in which the physical evid...
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L. Xing, J. Zhang, H. Klein, A. Mayor, Y. Chen, H. Dai, M. E. Burns, J. Gao, Y. Tang, and S. Dong, "Dinosaur tracks, myths and buildings: the Jin Ji (Golden Chicken) stones from Zizhou area, northern Shaanxi, China," Ichnos, Vol.22, No.3-4, pp.227-234, 2015.
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L. Xing, M. Lockley, J. Zhang, H. Klein, D. Marty, G. Peng, Y. Ye, R. T. McCrea, W. S. Persons, and T. Xu, "The longest theropod trackway from East Asia, and a diverse sauropod-, theropod-, and ornithopod- track assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation, southwest China," Cretaceous Research, Vol.56, pp.345-362, 2015.
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L. Xing, G. Peng, D. Marty, Y. Ye, H. Klein, J. Li, G. D. Gierlinski, and C. Shu, "An unusual trackway of a possibly bipedal archosaur from the Late Triassic of the Sichuan Basin, China," Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, Vol.59, pp.863-871, 2014.
한양명, "영산 문호장굿의 고형(古形)과 축제적 위상," 민속연구, 제37권, pp.193-228, 2018.
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