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중국소비자의 지속가능 패션 소비 결정요인 연구 - 계획된 행동이론을 중심으로 -
Determinants of Sustainable Fashion Consumption in China - Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior - 원문보기

Fashion & textile research journal = 한국의류산업학회지, v.23 no.4, 2021년, pp.458 - 468  

후신위 (부산대학교 의류학과) ,  정소원 (인하대학교 국제학부) ,  김은혜 (부산대학교 의류학과) ,  이진화 (부산대학교 의류학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the context of Sustainable development, China, the world's second-largest apparel market, is also concerned about the environmental impact of fiber waste. Currently, there is a great interest in sustainable fashion in both supply and demand in China. Based on the theory of planned behavior(TPB), ...


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