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[국내논문] 핵심감정척도 단축형과 MMPI-2의 상관성 연구
A Study on the Correlation between CSEI-S (Core Seven-Emotions Inventory-Short Form) and MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2) Subscales 원문보기

동의신경정신과학회지 = Journal of oriental neuropsychiatry, v.32 no.3, 2021년, pp.155 - 166  

신혜규 (세명대학교 충주한방병원 한방신경정신과) ,  이재혁 (세명대학교 충주한방병원 한방신경정신과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: To analyze correlation between CSEI-S and MMPI-2 subscales to provide evidence for clinical application of the CSEI-S. Methods: Survey data of CSEI-S and MMPI-2 from 109 university students were analyzed. Demographic characteristics were subjected to descriptive analysis. Mann-Whitney U ...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Park YS. Practice of Psychological Assessment. Seoul: Hana Medical Publishing Company. 1998. 

  2. Lee GE, Park BY, Kim HY, Lyu YS, Kang HW. A Preliminary Study on the Development of the Core Emotion Assessment Instrument Based on the Chiljeong. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2014;25(1):109-22. 

  3. The Textbook Compilation Committee of Neuropsychiatry of Korean Medicine, The Neuropsychiatry of Oriental Medicine. 3th ed. Paju: Jipmoondang. 2016:3-4,33-4,101, 135-6. 

  4. Lee GE, Park BY, Moon KS, You JM, Kang HW. A Study on the Development of the Core Emotional Assessment Questionnaire (CEBased on the Seven Emotions (七情). J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2015;26(2):143-60. 

  5. Cheong MJ, Lee GE, Lee Y, Bae KH, Kang Y, Kom JH, Lyu YS, Kang HW. Validation of the Core Seven-Emotions Inventory - short form. Integr. Med. Res.. 2019;8:116-9. 

  6. Choi SY, Lyu YS. A Study on Emotional Characteristics with the Core Assessment Instrument Based on Chiljeong in Insomnia Patients. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2015;26(2):191-200. 

  7. You SJ, Son SE, Kang HW, Lyu YS. A Study on Emotional Characteristics with the Core Seven-Emotions Inventory (CSEI), Based on Seven Emotions in Cancer Patients, J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2016;27(2):119-30. 

  8. Son SE, Kang HW, Lyu YS. A Study on Emotional Characteristics with the Core Seven-Emotions Inventory (CSEI), Based on the Seven Emotions (in Bell's Palsy Patients. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2017;28(2):83-94. 

  9. Kim L. A Study on the Psychological Characteristics of Sasang Constitution with Core Seven Emotions Inventory and Temperament and Character Inventory. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019;30(1):23-30. 

  10. Heo EJ, Lee GW, Lee NH, Cheong MJ, Lyu YS, Kang HW. A Study of the Relationship of the CSEI (The Core SevenEmotions Inventory) and MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2). J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019;30(3):153-64. 

  11. Son SE, Lee GW, Lee NH, Chae HN, Cheong MJ, Kang HY. A Study on the Emotional Characteristics of Patients within One Year of Stroke Using Core Seven Emotions Inventory-Short Form. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2019;30(3):165-75. 

  12. Lee NH, Kim GW, Lyu YS. A Study on the Emotional Characteristics of Adult with Fatigue Using the Core Seven Emotions Inventory-Short Form. J of Oriental Neuropsychiatry. 2021;32(1):13-23. 

  13. Lee YJ. A study on the prevalence of acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in traffic injuries and the validity of the core seven-emotions inventory short form through cross-sectional survey [dissertation]. Iksan: Wonkwang University Graduate School. 2021. 

  14. Lee SM. A Retrospective Study of Traffic Accident Inpatients in a Korean Medicine Hospital: Correlation of STAI-I, STAI-II, BDI, and CSEI-s scores with Pain Improvement [dissertation]. Chungcheongbuk-do: Semyung University Graduate School, 2021. 

  15. Levak RW, Siegel L, Nichols DS, translated by Maumsarang. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Psychotherapist and patient, Feedback (Psychology). Seoul: Maumsarang. 2017. 

  16. emind.kr [Internet]. Jeollabukdo: E-MIND; c2021 [cited 2021 Apr 26]. Available from: http://emind.kr/mysite/UserPage/details.html 

  17. Kwon SM. Modern Abnormal Psychology. 2nd ed. Seoul: Hakjisa. 2017:141-2. 

  18. Friedman AF, Bolinskey PK, Levak RW, Nicholas DS, translated by Yoo SJ, Ahn DY, Ha SS. Psychological Assessment with the MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF. Seoul: Hakjisa. 2020. 

  19. Graham JR. MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology. 4th ed. New York: Oxford Press. 2006. 

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