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[국내논문] A Study on How to Operate or Upgrade a Mobile Community Currency System to Revitalize the Local Economy -Centering on Community Currencies in Seoul and Gyeong-gi Metropolitan Areas- 원문보기

The International journal of advanced culture technology, v.9 no.3, 2021년, pp.152 - 159  

kim, Myung-hee (Dept. of Immersive Content Convergence, Kwangwoon University) ,  Ryu, Ki-hwan (KwangWoon University, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Institute of Tourism Industry)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Small local businesses such as corner shops and street markets have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and declining consumption. A community currency is a local currency that can be used to exchange for one of the local currencies within an online community. Community currencies can be...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Sujong Yoon, Current status and prospects of the alternative movement. Social Theory Fall/Winter Issue, pp. 255-332, 2007 

  2. Hyung-yong Kim, A Study on the Characteristics of the Local Monetary Movement in Korea and the Community Consciousness of Participants,Yonsei University Master's Thesis pp.32-52, 2000 

  3. Chang-Woo Lee, A plan to strengthen the village community in Seoul using local currency, Seoul Research Institute, 2013-PR-65, 2013 

  4. Sooyeon Lee, Understanding and Type Analysis of Global Local Currencies, It Book: Local Currencies A to Z, New Researchers who open a fortune society, pp. 6-9, 2014 

  5. Ducheon Jeong, A Study on Perceived Usefulness and Intention to Use Blockchain Local Currency: Focusing on Technology Adoption Theory, Kyungsung University Ph.D. thesis pp. 4-5, 2020 

  6. Gi-Hwan Ryu, Plans for Revitalizing the Local Economy through Local Currency, International Regional Studies, 19(1): pp.103-126, 2015 

  7. Ho-Chang Yun, Experience and Direction of Local Economy Revitalization through Local Currency-Focused on the experiences of Gwangjin, Nowon, Mapo, and Eunpyeong in Seoul, Hansalim Foundation's 2018 Life and Cooperative Research Final Report. pp.6-30, 2018 

  8. Seong-Hoon Kim, Daejeon Social Economy-led Blockchain-based Reciprocal Transaction System Development Strategy Daejeon Sejong Forum No. 70, pp,137-164, 2019 

  9. Ga-Yeon Baek, A Study on the Introduction of Local Currency Policy: On the Introduction of Local Government's Hometown Love Gift Voucher Policy, Seoul National University Master's Thesis, pp.7-10, 2020 

  10. Seok-Jae Moon, Kyung-Mi Yu, and Gi-Hwang Ryu, "A Study on the Platform Model for Activation of Local Currency", The society of convergence knowledge transcations, Vol.9, Isssue 1 pp.39-49, Mar 2021 

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