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NTIS 바로가기대한원격탐사학회지 = Korean journal of remote sensing, v.37 no.5 pt.1, 2021년, pp.1207 - 1214
계창우 ((주)에스이랩 연구소) , 신대규 ((주)에스이랩 연구소) , 이종혁 ((주)에스이랩) , 김진겸 (K-water 연구원 유역물관리연구소)
In thisletter, we developed technology which can exclude effect of cloudsto perform remote waterbody detection based on Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery to calculate the area of ungauged reservoirs and applied to the Hwanggang dam reservoir, a representative ungauged reservoir, to verify usabili...
Drusch, M., U. Del Bello, S. Carlier, O. Colin, V. Fernandez, F. Gascon, B. Hoersch, C. Isola, P. Laverinti, P. Martimort, A. Meygret, F. Spoto, O. Sy, F. Marchese, and P. Bargellini, 2012. Sentinel-2: ESA's optical high-resolution mission for GMES operational services, Remote Sensing of Environment, 120(15): 25-36.
Ha, D.T.T., S.H. Kim, and D.H. Bae, 2020, Impacts of upstream structures on downstream discharge in the transboundary Imjin River basin, Korean Peninsula, Applied Sciences, 10(9): 3333.
Jang, S.H., J.K. Lee, and J.W. Jo, 2020, Evaluation of instream flow in the Imjingang River according to the operation of Hwanggang Dam in North Korea, Crisisonomy, 16(6): 105-118 (in Korean with English abstract).
McFeeters, S.K., 1996. The use of the normalized difference water index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17: 1425-1432.
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