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NTIS 바로가기한국해안·해양공학회논문집 = Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, v.33 no.5, 2021년, pp.179 - 186
최군환 (한동대학교 부유식해상풍력발전연구소) , 김미정 (한동대학교 부유식해상풍력발전연구소) , 장기호 (한동대학교 부유식해상풍력발전연구소) , 김효선 (한동대학교 부유식해상풍력발전연구소)
We need measures that can come up with alternative about fishery living zone and enhance local acceptance for responding to the increase in the proportion of renewable energy production and construction of 12GW Offshore wind power according to Korea's Renewable Energy 3020 initiative and Korean-vers...
Choi, E.J., Kim, H.W. and Kim, J.H. (2015). An Economical Feasibility Analysis of Sea Farm Project Using Co-Location in Offshore Wind Farms. Journal of Product Research, 33(6), 73-80.
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Choi, G.W. (2019). Development of the integrated analysis model of the floating type offshore wind-turbine and its economic evaluation: Focus on floating wind farm at East Sea in Korea, Doctoral dissertation, University of Ulsan.
Kang, K.S., Jeon, I.S. and Kwak, J.Y. (2016). Possibilities and Orientation toward Co-existence of Offshore Wind Farms. Journal of Wind Energy, 7(2), 5-13.
Kim, D.N., Lee, M.K., Lee, S.I. and An, D.H. (2019). Update of Korean fisheries information for Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. National Institute of Fisheries Science.
Lee, D.G., Bae, B.S., Lee, J.H., Kim, S.T. and Kim, H.S. (2021). Development of the Smart Aquaculture Technology and Industrialization Plan. The Korean Society Fisheries And Sciences Education, 33(2), 412-420.
National Institute of Fisheries Science (2012). Economic feasibility study for deep-sea aquaculture technology development and aquaculture in connection with offshore wind power.
Wei, H. (2015). Jacket-Cage: Dual-Use the Jacket Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbine for Aquaculture Farming. Wind Engineering, 39(3), 311-320.
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