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소화기 증상을 동반한 만성두통 환자에 대한 한방복합치료 치험 1례
A Case Report on a Patient Treated with Combined Korean Medicine for Chronic Headache with Digestive Symptoms 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.42 no.5, 2021년, pp.923 - 930  

최규철 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  배지은 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  박재원 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  김동진 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  홍정수 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of combined Korean medical treatment on chronic headache with digestive symptoms. Methods: We collected data from October to December 2020 and evaluated the efficacy of combined Korean medical treatment using the Korean Headache Impact ...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (18)

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  14. Chu MK, Im HJ, Ju YS, Kim JY, Kim YJ, Yu KH, et al. Validity and Reliability Assessment of Korean Headache Impact Test-6(HIT-6). J Korean Neurol Assoc 2009;27(1):1-6. 

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  17. Lee DY, Lee SH, Kang HW, Lyu YS, Jang HH. Clinical Studies on HWANGRYUNHAEDOKTANG Herbal Acupuncture Therapy on Headache. J of Korean Institute of Pharmacopuncture 2003;6(1):52-60. 

  18. Hwang DG, Kim EJ, Choi KH, Heo SJ, Youn DW. A Case Report on a Patient with Cervical Vertigo Who Improved with a Combination of Korean Medicine Treatments. Korean J Intern Med 2017;38(3):392-400. 

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