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[국내논문] 추간판탈출증 환자의 불면증상에 대한 우황청심원 투여로 호전된 증례 3례
Three Cases of Insomnia in Herniated Intervertebral Disk Patients Treated with Uhwangchungsim-won 원문보기

대한한방내과학회지 = The journal of internal Korean medicine, v.42 no.5, 2021년, pp.767 - 776  

배지은 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  최규철 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  박재원 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  김동진 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  홍정수 (대전자생한방병원 한방내과) ,  김수진 (대전자생한방병원 한방부인과) ,  경다현 (대전자생한방병원 안이비인후피부과) ,  허효승 (대전자생한방병원 침구의학과) ,  김민경 (대전자생한방병원 한방부인과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objective: This study examined a case in which insomnia and pain due to herniated intervertebral disks were improved by treatment with an oriental herbal and the administration of Uhwangchungsim-won. Case Summary: Three patients with insomnia diagnosed with herniated intervertebral disks were treate...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (13)

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  2. Ryu SH. The Effect of Hwangyeonhaedogtang-Gamibang on Insomnia in Stroke -3- Case Report-. The Journal of Korean Medicine 2001;22(2):120-5. 

  3. Lee SH. The Causes and Developmental Mechanism of Insomnia. Korean Academy of Sleep Medicine 1994;1(1):3-8. 

  4. Im YJ. The Effects of Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep Disorders on Pain Catastrophizing in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients, Master's thesis in Korea, Graduate School of Nursing, Yonsei University 2016. 

  5. Ahn MS, Park JS, Kwon YM, Park MC, Yang HJ, Jung JH, et al. The relationship between reduction of muscluloskeletal pain and quality of life treated with Korean traditional medicine. The Acupuncture 2010;27(5):35-42. 

  6. Man SG. Modern psychiatry. Seoul: Ilchokak; 2006, p. 323-7. 

  7. Park SY, Kim GS. Synonymous study of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation-Focused on Donguibogam. The Journal of Korean Medicine 1995;16(1):160-71. 

  8. Smith MT, Perlis ML, Smith MS, Giles DE, Carmody. Sleep quality and presleep arousal in chronic pain. J of Behavioral Med 2000;23(1): 1-13. 

  9. Heo J. Donguibogam. Seoul: Bubinbooks; 2002, p. 710-2. 

  10. Lee OJ, Kim HH. Clinical Study on Soft Cervical Disc Herniation. The Acupuncture 2004;21(4): 85-92. 

  11. Karttunen NM, Turunen J, Ahonen R, Hartikainen S. More attention to pain management in community-dwelling older persons with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Age and Ageing 2014;43(6):845-50. 

  12. Hong JP, Ahn JH, Yun YK, Park JI, Lee SY, Hahm BJ, et al. Sleep Habits and Insomniaassociated Factors in the Urban Elderly: Demopraphic, Health and Psychobehavioral Correlates. J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 2000;39(6):1111-21. 

  13. Nam SG, Lee KS. Experimental Studies on the Effects of Woowhangchungsimwon and Sohaphyangwon. Kyunghee Medical Center 1990;6(2):220-37. 

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