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[국내논문] 하드웨어 트로이목마 탐지기술 동향
Trends of Hardware-based Trojan Detection Technologies 원문보기

전자통신동향분석 = Electronics and telecommunications trends, v.36 no.6, 2021년, pp.78 - 87  

최양서 (보안취약점분석연구실) ,  이상수 (보안취약점분석연구실) ,  최용제 (보안취약점분석연구실) ,  김대원 (보안취약점분석연구실) ,  최병철 (보안취약점분석연구실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Information technology (IT) has been applied to various fields, and currently, IT devices and systems are used in very important areas, such as aviation, industry, and national defense. Such devices and systems are subject to various types of malicious attacks, which can be software or hardware base...


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