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중대재해처벌법 핵심 안전조항에 대한 건설업 종사자의 인식 고찰
A Study on the Perception of Construction Workers on the Key Safety Provisions of the Serious Disaster Punishment Act 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.24 no.4, 2022년, pp.71 - 83  

김재민 (경기대학교 건설안전공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study is to investigate the degree of field awareness of how each provision of the Serious Disaster Punishment Act will affect accident prevention. As a result of conducting a survey of construction site workers, it was analyzed that construction site workers had a low sense of safety and did n...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (8)

  1. J. Y. Lee(2022), "A consideration of perception on?enforcement of Serious Accident Punishment?Act(SAPA) among the workers in the nuclear?medicine department." J. Korean Soc. Radiol.,?16(4):477-490. 

  2. H. K. Kim(2022), "Analysis of sentencing factors?of corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide?act 2007 in UK-In relation to fatal industrial?accidents punishment act-." Criminal Policy Research,?33(2):33-66. 

  3. I. H. Song, K. S. Kim, J. M. Ryu, C. S. Kim, S. Y.?Park(2022), "Efficient operation plan for safety and?health management system in accordance with the?enforcement of the serious accident punishment?act." Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial?cooperation Society, 23(5):452-459. 

  4. P. K. Kim(2022), "Relationship analysis of the?factors for safety and health management system?stipulated in the serious disaster punishment act?with accident statistics of construction industry."?Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, 37(4):?44-50. 

  5. H. P. Park(2018), "A fundamental study for analyzing?the cause of construction-critical disaster." 2018?Korean Architectural Society Spring Conference?Paper Collection, 38(1):707. 

  6. K. W. Kim(2020), "A study on the psychological?trauma, safety atmosphere, safety accidents, and?safety behavior of workers with serious accident?experience in industrial sites." The Korean Journal?of Health Psychology, 25(6):1077-1095. 

  7. D. H. Park(2022), "The subject of the safety and?health act and the application of the serious disaster?punishment act." Democratic Legal Studies, 79:?119-134. 

  8. H. K. Kim(2022), "An analysis of sentencing factors?in the UK' enterprise and fraudulent law(Regarding?the application of the Severe Disaster Punishment?Act)." Korean Criminological Review, 33(2):33-66. 

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