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분산분석을 이용한 로드헤더 절삭시험 입출력 인자 간의 기여도 조사
Contribution Assessment of Roadheader Performance Indexes by Analysis of Variance 원문보기

터널과 지하공간: 한국암반공학회지 = Tunnel and underground space, v.32 no.6, 2022년, pp.386 - 396  

김문규 (한국생산기술연구원) ,  송창헌 (한국생산기술연구원) ,  오주영 (한국생산기술연구원) ,  조정우 (한국생산기술연구원)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

로드헤더에 미치는 변수의 영향력을 분석하기 위해 픽커터 절삭시험 관련 참고문헌들을 조사하였고, 수록된 데이터들을 수집하였다. 입력 인자는 일축압축강도, 절삭 깊이, 절삭 간격, 받음각, 비틀림각, 출력 인자는 비에너지, 절삭력, 수직력으로 결정했다. 입력 인자와 출력 인자로 분류 후 실험계획법을 작성하였고 분산분석을 이용해 변수들에 대한 기여도를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 절삭력과 비에너지에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인은 일축압축강도와 절삭 간격으로 분석되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To analyze the influence of variables of roadheaders, the linear cutting testing data of pick cutter were collected from the former literatures. The input factors were set up as uniaxial compressive strength, cutting depth, cutting spacing, attack angle, skew angle, and output factors were determine...


표/그림 (15)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bilgin, N., Yazici, S., and Eskikaya, S., 1996, A Model to Predict the Performance of Roadheaders And Impact Hammers In Tunnel?Drivages, Presented ate the ISRM Symposium, Italy. 

  2. Bilgin, N., Tumac, D., Feridunoglu, C., Karakas, A.R., and Akgul, M., 2005, The performance of a roadheader in high strength rock?formations in Kucuksu tunnel, Proceedings of the International World Tunnel Congress and the 31st ITA General?Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-12 May 2005, pp.815-820 

  3. Bilgin, N., Demircin, M.A., Copur, H., Balci, C., Tuncdemir, H., and Akcin, N., 2006, Dominant rock properties affecting the?performance of conical picks and the comparison of some experimental and theoretical results. International Journal of?Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 43, 139-156. 

  4. Jeong, H., Choi, S., Lee, S., and Jeong, S., 2020, Rock Cutting Simulation of Point Attack Picks Using the Smooth Particle?Hydrodynamics Technique and the Cumulative Damage Model, Applied Sciences, 10(15). 

  5. Park, J., Kang, H., Lee, J., Kim, J., Oh, J., Cho, J., Rostami, J., and Kim, H., 2018, A study on rock cutting efficiency and structural?stability of a point attack pick cutter by lab-scale linear cutting machine testing and finite element analysis, nternational?Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 103, 215-229. 

  6. Rostami, J., Ozdemir, L., and Neil, D.M., 1994, Performance prediction: A key issue in mechanical hard rock mining. Mining?Engineering, 11, 1263-1267. 

  7. Rostami, J., 2011, Section 7.1 Rock Breakage, Mechanical, Mining Engineering Handbook, Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and?Exploration Engineering Inc (SME). 

  8. Restner, U. and Plinninger, R., 2015, Rock Mechanical Aspects of Roadheader Excavation. EUROCK 2015 & 64th Geomechanics?ColloquiumAt: Salzburg, Austria, October 2015. 

  9. Taguchi, G., and Phadke, M.S., 1989, Quality Engineering through Design Optimization. Quality Control, Robust Design, and the?Taguchi Method, 77-96. 

  10. Thuro, K. and Plinninger, R.J., 1998, Geological limits in roadheader excavation-Four case studies, Proceedings of the 8th?International IAEG Congress, pp.3545-3552. 

  11. Thuro, K. and Plinninger, R.J., 1999, Roadheader excavation performance-geological and geotechnical influences, Proceedings of?the 9th ISRM Congress, Paris, pp.1241-1244. 

  12. Wang, X., Su, O., Wang, Q., and Liang, Y., 2017, Effect of cutting depth and line spacing on the cuttability behavior of sandstones?by conical picks, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10, 525. 

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