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우리나라 대학과 보건대학원에서 환경·보건분야 관련학과의 특성변화
Character Transformation of Departments in the Fields of Environment and Public Health at Universities in Korea 원문보기

韓國環境保健學會誌 = Journal of environmental health sciences, v.48 no.1, 2022년, pp.28 - 35  

이진헌 (공주대학교 환경교육과) ,  문경환 (고려대학교 보건과학대학 융합보건환경과학부) ,  안령미 (동덕여자대학교 보건관리학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Education on environmental health in Korea was begun with establishment of the Graduate School of Public Health at Seoul National University 1959. The sanitary movement started in Europe and the Americas in the 19th century and was introduced to Korea in the 1960s under the name of sanit...


참고문헌 (18)

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  12. 박성호, 김본영, 박재민, 고성원, 권학예, 김경남, et al. 2016 학과(전공) 분류 자료집(통계자료 SM 2016-06). Seoul: Korean Educational Development Institute; 2016. 

  13. 박성호, 오지연, 이정환, 최나연, 손지혜, 설가인, et al. 2017 학과(전공) 분류 자료집(통계자료 SM 2017-10). Jincheon: Korean Educational Development Institute; 2017. 

  14. 이기준, 오지연, 이정환, 손지혜, 김은미, 설가인, et al. 2018 학과(전공) 분류 자료집(통계자료 SM 2018-05). Jincheon: Korean Educational Development Institute; 2018. 

  15. 박근영, 오지연, 장윤정, 이정환, 김은미, 설가인, et al. 2019 학과(전공) 분류 자료집(통계자료 SM 2019-09). Jincheon: Korean Educational Development Institute; 2019. 

  16. 박근영, 오지연, 이정환, 김은미, 설가인, 이상민, et al. 2020 학과(전공) 분류자료집(통계자료 5M 2020-08). Jincheon: Korean Educational Development Institute; 2020. 

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  18. Kim MI. Mission and Education in School of Public Health. Korean J Public Heal. 1996 Jun;33(1):113-120. 

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