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[국내논문] UNCITRAL 신속 중재의 도입과 전망
Introduction and Prospects of UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration 원문보기

중재연구 = Journal of arbitration studies, v.32 no.1, 2022년, pp.25 - 42  

이춘원 (광운대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The modern arbitration practice recognises the need for a faster and simplified procedural framework for international disputes with fairly low amounts at stake. This has driven several institutions to expand their offer of procedural guidelines with a simplified set of rules that would fit this pur...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. 대한상사중재원, 2016 국제중재규칙 해설서, 2018. 

  2. 대한상사중재원 조사연구부 조사연구반, "우리나라 중재법과 UNCITRAL 표준국제상사중재법 및 주요선진국 중재법과의 비교연구", 중재연구 제1권(1991. 12.) 

  3. Gunawan Widjaja & Andryawan & Victoria Regine Liando, "Fast Track Arbitration ; Comparative Analysis", Proceedings of the Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution International Conference (ADRIC 2019). 

  4. Hans Bagner, "Expedited Arbitration Rules: Stockholm and WIPO", Arbitration International, 13(2). 

  5. Javier Tarjuelo, "Fast Track Procedures : A New Trend in Institutional Arbitration", Dispute Resolution International, 11(2). 

  6. Mylene Chan, "UNCITRAL Adopts Expedited Arbitration Rules", The CPR Institute, 29 July 2021.(https://blog.cpradr.org/2021/07/29/uncitral-adopts-expedited-arbitration-rules/ search day: 2022 1. 11). 

  7. Official Records of the General Assembly, Seventy-third Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/73/17). 

  8. Paterson, Robert K., "Forging A New Judicial Attitude to International Commercial Arbitration in Canada; the UNCITRAL Model Law in Canadian Courts", Journal of Arbitration Studies, 7(1). 

  9. Pierre-Yves Tschanz, "The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Geneva's Arbitration Rules and their Expedited Procedure", Journal of International Arbitration, 10(4) 1993. 

  10. Queen Mary University of London, "2021 International Arbitration Survey: Adapting arbitration to a changing world", Queen Mary University of Londo & School of International Arbitration. 

  11. United Nations Information Service, "Entry into force of the UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules", Press Releases, 16 September 2021 (https://unis.unvienna.org/unis/en/pressrels/2021/unisl321.html# / search day: 2022. 1. 10) 

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