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수소산업 전주기 인프라시설 안전성 분석
Hydrogen Industry Cycle Infrastructure Safety Analysis 원문보기

한국수소 및 신에너지학회 논문집 = Transactions of the Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society, v.33 no.6, 2022년, pp.795 - 802  

박우일 (한국가스안전공사) ,  최슬기 (한국가스안전공사) ,  이인우 (한국가스안전공사) ,  강승규 (한국가스안전공사)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Korea is showing its appearance as a leading country in the hydrogen economy by establishing policies for revitalizing the hydrogen economy and enacting the 「Hydrogen Economy Promotion and Hydrogen Safety Management Act」 for the first time in the world. In addition, domestic hydrogen f...


참고문헌 (8)

  1. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, "The 1st basic plan for implementing the hydrogen economy", Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 2021. Retrieved from http://www.motie.go.kr/motie/ms/nt/announce2/bbs/bbsView.do?bbs_seq_n67130&bbs_cd_n6.? 

  2. J. W. Lee, J. H. Park, D. H. Kim, S. S. Tak, and B. J. Yang, "Status of the realtime safety monitoring system of hydrogen refueling station according to the operation", Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2021, pp. 9297, doi: https://doi.org/10.7842/kigas.2021.25.6.92.? 

  3. Republic of Korea, "Highpressure gas safety control act", Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 2022. Retrieved from https://www.law.go.kr/법령/고압가스안전관리법.? 

  4. Republic of Korea, "Announcement on special cases regarding the application of criteria related to transfer, acquisition and succession of high pressure gas manufacturing", Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, 2018. Retrieved from https://www.law.go.kr/행정규칙/고압가스제조사업의양도.양수및지위승계관련기준적용에관한특례고시/(2018226,20181213).? 

  5. Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA), "Technical guide on accident scenarios of worst and alternative (KOSHA Guide P1072020)", KOSHA, 2020. Retrieved from https://www.kosha.or.kr/kosha/data/guidanceDetail.do.? 

  6. J. LaChance, W. Houf, B. Middleton, and L. Fluer, "Analyses to support development of riskinformed separation distances for hydrogen codes and standards (SAND20090874)", Sandia National Laboratories, 2009. Retrieved from https://energy.sandia.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/SAND2009-0874-Analyses-to-Support-Development-of-Risk-Informed-Separation-Distances-for-Hydrogen-Codes-and-Standards.pdf.? 

  7. The Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability (RISS) and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), "Risk assessment of hydrogen fueling stations and their surroundings", AIST, 2019. Retrieved from https://riss.aist.go.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2021/08/RiskAssessment_of_HydrogenFuelingStations_Jan2019.pdf.? 

  8. C. Nussey, "Failure frequencies for major failures of high pressure storage vessels at COMAH sites: a comparison of data used by HSE and the Netherlands", hse.gov.uk, 2006, pp. 2531. Retrieved from https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/22334788/failure-frequencies-for-major-failures-of-high-pressure-storage-hse. 

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