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금속 표면경화용 고출력 다이오드 레이저 개발 프로세스
Development Process for High Power Diode Laser for Metal Surface Hardening 원문보기

한국기계가공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, v.21 no.2, 2022년, pp.11 - 22  

장동환 (인하공업전문대학 기계설계과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents the development process for a high-power diode laser for metal surface hardening. To combine the emissions from several laser bars, it is necessary to collimate the emitted light using an optical lens. Thus, to achieve a suitable power density and uniform beam profile, several op...


참고문헌 (16)

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  11. Lee, T. Y., Lim, B. C. and Park, S. H., "A Study on the Hard Surfacing Characteristics of STS420J2 by Using Diode Laser," Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 5460-5466, 2014. 

  12. Lee, K. R., Yang, Y. S., Hwang, C. Y., Park, E. K. and Yoo, Y. T., "Characteristics of Surface Hardening of Nd:YAG Laser According to the Diameter Variation of SM45C Cylindrical Bar," Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Eng., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 499-506, 2013. 

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  15. Babic, M., Lesiuk, G., Marinkovic, D. and Cali, M., "Evaluation of Microstructural Complex Geometry of Robot Laser Hardened Materials Through a Genetic Programming Model," Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 55, pp. 253-259, 2021. 

  16. Park, K. J. and Youn, S. H., "Development of the Diode Laser Heat Treatment Robot System Based on OLP Simulator," Journal of Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 8-14, 2015. 

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