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국가민속문화재 일월수 다라니 주머니 금속 장식지의 과학적 분석
A Scientific Analysis of Decorative Metal Foil Used in Pouch for the Sutra Embroidered with a Sun and Moon Design Designated as National Folklore Cultural Heritage 원문보기

보존과학회지 = Journal of conservation science, v.38 no.2, 2022년, pp.124 - 132  

박성희 (국립문화재연구원 문화재보존과학센터) ,  박세린 (국립문화재연구원 보존과학연구실) ,  서정훈 (서울역사박물관 보존과학과) ,  박종서 (국립문화재연구원 복원기술연구실) ,  이량미 (서울공예박물관 수집연구과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 국가민속문화재 일월수 다라니 주머니 매듭과 테두리 장식에 사용된 '금속 장식지'를 대상으로 과학적 분석을 통해 재료적 특성을 파악하였다. 금속 장식지는 SEM-EDS 분석을 통해 은(Ag) 및 황(S)이 확인되어 은제 금속박을 배지에 부착하여 제작한 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 황(S)은 농도와 접촉시간에 따라 은(Ag)을 황색부터 흑색까지 변색시킬 수 있다. 현재는 황색을 확인할 수 없으나, 은(Ag)으로 가금사를 만든 사례가 있어 본래 색을 추정하기 위해서는 추가 연구가 필요하다. 배지는 배면까지 적갈색이다. 함께 검출된 알루미늄(Al)과 규소(Si), 철(Fe)은 전통 편금사(片金絲)의 붉은색 접착제로 추정되는 주토(朱土)의 주성분으로, 금속 장식지의 접착제 관련 성분으로 추측된다. GC/MS 분석 결과에서 접착제 성분은 아교(阿膠)로 확인할 수 있었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Through scientific analysis, this study identified the material characteristics of metal foil decorating the border line and knotting of the National Folklore Cultural Heritage 'Pouch for the Sutra Embroidered with a Sun and Moon Design'. Through Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Spectr...


참고문헌 (19)

  1. An, B., Jun, E. and Oh, S., 2021, Identifying the era of the Pouch for the Sutra Embroidered with a Sun and Moon Design on the basis of formative characteristics and prayer words. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 71(3), 92-110. 

  2. Baek, Y.M., Ha, S.H., Bae, S.Y., Lee, J.E. and Kwon, Y.S., 2016, Analysis on the textile and dye used for the book cover and slipcase housed in the Oryundae Korean Martyrs Museum. Journal of Conservation Science, 32(3), 345-352. (in Korean and English abstract) 

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  4. Kim, M.N., Lim, B.A., Shin, E.J. and Lee, S.M., 2013, Damage characteristics of metal materials according to the SO 2 concentration. MUNHWAJAE, 46(1), 176-187. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  5. Kim, J.E., Yu, J.A., Han, Y.B. and Chung, Y.J., 2016, Study of characteristics for red adhesive in traditional gold thread. Journal of Conservation Science, 32(1), 43-49. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  6. Kim, S.H., 2009, The metalsmith & jewelry techniques. Dankook University Press, Yongin, 210. (in Korean) 

  7. Kwak, S.H., 1985, Metal craft. Hollym, Seoul, 64. (in Korean) 

  8. Lee, H.Y. and Cho, N.C., 2014, Experimental study for removing silver sulfide from silver objects by Nd: YAG laser cleaning. Journal of Conservation Science, 30(1), 91-101. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  9. Lee, J.J., An, B.Y., Han, K.O., Lee, R.M., Yoo, J.H. and Yu, J.A., 2021, A scientific analysis of gold threads used in Donggungbi-Wonsam (ceremonial robe worn by a crown princess, National Folklore Cultural Heritage No. 48). Journal of Conservation Science, 37(5), 525-535. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  10. Lee, K.H. and Lee, M.H., 2000, Surface properties of silver thin films by ion plating and their corrosion behavior, 29(5), 302-309. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  11. National Institute of Environmental Research, 2020, Annual report of air quality in Korea, 2019. https://ecolibrary.me.go.kr/nier/#/search/detail/5700499 (March 14, 2022) 

  12. National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (NRICH), 2014, Traditional gold thread and Jik-geum (textile weaved with gold thread). (in Korean and English abstract) 

  13. National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (NRICH), 2019, Insight for textile conservation I. (in Korean and English) 

  14. No, J.S., 2006, A study of method of making gold thread. Fiber Technology and Industry, 10(4), 382-387. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  15. Park, J., 2015, Analysis of animal glue by pyrolysis/GC/MS. Analytical Science & Technology, 28(3), 221-227. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  16. Sewha, 2001, Chemistry unabridged dictionary. https://terms.naver.com/list.naver?cid60227&categoryId60227 (March 14, 2022). 

  17. Sim, Y.O. and Lee, S.Y., 2014, A comparative study on a technique making gold thread of China Japan and Korea. Journal of the Korean Traditional Costume, 17(3), 5-20. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  18. Sim, Y.O., 2014, A study on weaving characteristics of gold rounded pattern jacket excavated from Youndokudong Yongin. Journal of Korean Traditional Costume, 17(4), 119-131. (in Korean and English abstract) 

  19. Yu, J.A., 2019, Analysis of binder in Korean traditional Dancheong. Ph.D. Dissertation, Korea National University of Cultural Hheritages. (in Korean and English abstract) 

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