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공공건축 건축기획업무 수행 현황 분석 및 개선 방향 - 공공건축 사업계획 사전검토 사업을 대상으로 -
Pre-architectural Planning Status Analysis of Public Buildings and its Improvements - Case Study of the Preliminary Review of Public Building Projects -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.38 no.6, 2022년, pp.65 - 76  

박석환 (건축공간연구원) ,  이혜원 (건축공간연구원) ,  양은영 (건축공간연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

To establish and vitalize a public building's pre-architectural planning, this study intends to derive specific analysis items, determine the current status and navigate system improvements. The pre-architectural planning analysis items were prepared by comparing and analyzing the 'Pre-architectural...


참고문헌 (11)

  1. Architectural Institute of Japan. (1999). Pre-Architectural Planning Theory. Kimoondang. 

  2. Cho, J., & Park, C. (1998). On the present situation of pre-design services in design prac. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning and Design. 14(11), 91-102. 

  3. Jang, S. (2002). A Study on architect's schedule of services and service products, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning and Design, 18(9), 52-57. 

  4. Kang, M. (1998). A Study on the feasibility analysis of architectural development project : Focusing on problems of existing method and the solution. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning and Design, 14(11), 23-30. 

  5. Kim, E., Seo, S., & Song, S. (2017). A Study on the Scope of Pre-Architectural Planning and Standard Cost, Architecture and Urban Research Institute, 64-66. 

  6. Kim, S., & Park, Y. (2007). A study on the property planning process for the highest and best use development, Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, KIEAE Journal, 7(5), 115-120 

  7. Kim, S., & Yoon, J. (2008). A suggestion for improvement of the building development planning services through the present state analysis. Korean Real Estate Academy Review, 32(30), 47-56. 

  8. National Public Building Center (2020). [Guide to Public Bulilding 02] Guide for Public Pre-Architectural Planning, Architecture and Urban Research Institute, 19-21. 

  9. Lim, H., & Kim, Y. (2012). A Study on Policy Alternatives to Improve Pre-Architectural Planning, Architecture and Urban Research Institute, 13-17. 

  10. Park, I., & Park, Y.(2001). A study on the establishing concept of pre-design in design process, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, Planning and Design, 17(8), 67-74. 

  11. Park, S., Lee H., Yang E., & Bae, S.(2021). Public Building Architectural Planning Analysis and Improvement Measures, Architecture and Urban Research Institute, 15-55. 

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