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[국내논문] 음폐수의 혐기성 소화 시 수소 및 유기산의 거동
Behavior of Hydrogen and Organic Acids in Anaerobic Digestion of Food Wastewater 원문보기

신재생에너지 = New & Renewable Energy, v.18 no.2, 2022년, pp.9 - 17  

조경민 (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanbat University) ,  오세은 (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanbat University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, we used the Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) program to examine the behavior of hydrogen and organic acids according to seasonal changes in food wastewater collected from D city. The results showed that average hydrogen conversion rates in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 1.06, 0.71...


참고문헌 (12)

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  2. Ministry of Environment, 2019, "Study of food and logistics waste management policy direction and improvement plan". 

  3. Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, 2016, "Technology trend for land treatment of wastewater". 

  4. Jang, Y.H., and Bae, J.G., 2009, "A study on the current status of domestic food wastewater treatment and treatment plan", Proc. The Korean Society for Waste Recycling Spring Academic Research Society, 204-210. 

  5. Lee, J.P., and Kang, H., 2016, "Evaluation of the Performance Parameters with a Semi-Continuously Fed and Mixed Anaerobic Reactor using Food Waste", New. Renew. Energy,12(4), 88-97. 

  6. Eshtiaghi, N., Markis, F., Yap, S.D., Baudez, J.C., and Slatter, P., 2013 "Rheological characterisation of municipal sludge: A review", Water Res., 47(15), 5493-5510. 

  7. Karthikeyan, O.P., Trably, E., Mehariya, S., Bernet, N., Wong, J.W.C., and Carrere, H., 2018, "Pretreatment of food waste for methane and hydrogen recovery: A review", Bioresour. Technol., 249, 1025-1039. 

  8. APHA (American Public Health Association), 2005, "Standard methods for the examination of water and astewater", 21th Edition. 

  9. Cho, K.M., 2019, "Optimization of hydrogen fermentation by acid pretreatmentof food waste", Ph.D thesis, Department of Environmental Engineering, Han bat National University, Daejeon. 

  10. Oh, S.D., 2006, "Effect of iron dust and HRT on the continuous biohydrogen production from food waste leachate using thermophilic ASBR", Master's thesis, KAIST, Daejeon. 

  11. Chen, C.C., Lin, C.Y., and Lin, M.C., 2002, "Acid-base enrichment enhances anaerobic hydrogen production process", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 58, 224-228. 

  12. Khanal, S.K., Chen, W.H., Li, L., and Sung, S., 2001, "Biological hydrogen production: effects of pH and intermediate products", Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 29(11), 1123-1131. 

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