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백령도와 수도권의 황사 수송 시간과 바람장 분석
Analysis of Asian Dust Transportation Time and Wind Farm in Baengnyeongdo Island and the Metropolitan Area 원문보기

Journal of environmental science international = 한국환경과학회지, v.31 no.6, 2022년, pp.525 - 533  

조원기 (부경대학교 지질환경연구소) ,  강동환 (부경대학교 지질환경연구소) ,  박경덕 (부경대학교 지질환경연구소) ,  양민준 (부경대학교 지구환경시스템과학부 지구환경과학전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Baengnyeongdo, located within the Asian dust stream, is an ideal place to analyze Asian dust moving into the West Sea due to its low emission of artificial pollutants. Baengnyeongdo is being used to analyze the vertical distribution of dust from the lower atmosphere to the upper layer through remote...


참고문헌 (16)

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  11. Park, S. M., Moon, K. J., Park, J. S., Kim, H. J., Ahn, J. Y., Kim, J. S., 2012, Chemical characteristics of ambient aerosol during Asian dusts and high PM episodes at Seoul intensive monitoring site in 2009, J. Korean Soc. Atmos. Environ., 28, 282-293. 

  12. Park, S. S., 2019, Change in mass size distributions of ambient aerosol particles during Asian dust storm event in late fall at an urban site of Gwangju, J. Korean Soc. Atmos. Environ., 35, 502-515. 

  13. Seo, S. J., Lim, Y. J., Seo, Y. K., J, D. H., J, H. J., Lee, M. D., Park, J. S., Hong, Y. D., 2015, Characteristics of particle size distribution during high PM and Asian dust episode of February, 2015 in Baengnyeong Island, J. Korean Soc. of Urban Environ., 15, 241-250. 

  14. Shin, S. A., Han, J. S., Hong, Y. D., Ahn, J. Y., Moon, K. J., Lee, S. J., Kim, S. D., 2005, Chemical composition and features of Asian dust observed in Korea (2000~2002), J. Korean Soc. Atmos. Environ., 21, 119-129. 

  15. Song, S. J., Kim, J. E., Lim, E. H., Cha, J. W., Kim, J., 2015, Physical, chemical and optical properties of an Asian dust and haze episodes observed at Seoul in 2010, J. Korean Soc. Atmos. Environ., 31, 131-142. 

  16. Yoon, Y. H., 1990, On the yellow sand transported to the orean peninsula, Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 26, 111-120. 

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