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시계열 분석을 이용한 춘천 지역 지하수관측망 수위변동 해석
Time Series Analysis of Groundwater Level Change in the Chuncheon Area Groundwater Observation Network 원문보기

지질공학 = The journal of engineering geology, v.32 no.2, 2022년, pp.281 - 293  

목종구 ((주)지오쓰리에코) ,  장범주 ((주)지오쓰리에코) ,  박유철 (강원대학교 지구물리학과) ,  신혜수 (강원대학교 지구물리학과) ,  김진호 (한국농어촌공사 제주지역본부) ,  송세정 (한국농어촌공사 강원지역본부) ,  황가영 (한국농어촌공사 강원지역본부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 강원도 춘천에 설치·운영 중인 지하수관측망의 지하수위 변동특성을 이해하기 위해 2009년에서 2018년까지 장기 관측된 관측망 지하수위 자료에 대하여 시계열분석은 실시하였다. 해당 관측망은 5개소로 모두 암반대수층에 설치되어 있으며, 해당 운영기관에서 주기적인 점검과 관리가 이루어지는 것으로 파악된다. 시계열분석은 자기상관함수, 스펙트럼밀도함수 그리고 교차상관함수 분석을 수행하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Time series analysis was performed on data from 2009 to 2018 from the Chuncheon groundwater observation network to understand the characteristics of groundwater level fluctuations in the network. There are five observatories, all of which are installed in rock aquifers, and periodic inspections and ...


표/그림 (18)

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문제 정의

  • 따라서 본 연구에서는 강원도 춘천 지역에 설치 ‧ 운영 중인 지하수관측망 중 10년 이상 자료가 확보된 관측소 5개소에 대하여 연속적으로 측정된 자료를 통계적으로 해석할 수 있는 시계열분석을 통해 지하수 수위변동의 경향성과 수리적 상호관계를 파악하고자 한다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Davis, J.C., 1986, Statistics and data analysis in geology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 646p. 

  2. Ha, K.C., Ko, K.S., Koh, D.C., Yum, B.W., Lee, K.K., 2006, Time series analysis of the responses of the groundwater levels at multi-depth wells according to the river stage fluctuations, Economic and Environmental Geology, 39(3), 269-284 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  3. Hanson, R.T., Newhouse, M.W., Dettinger, M.D., 2004, A methodology to asess relations between climatic variability and variations in hydrologic time series in the southwestern United States, Journal of Hydrology, 287, 252-269. 

  4. KIGAM (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources), 2021, Geo big data open platform, Retrieved from https://data.kigam.re.kr. 

  5. Kim, T.W., Hamm, S.Y., Cheong, J.Y., Ryu, S.M., Lee, J.H., Son, K.T., Kim, N.H., 2008a, Time series and groundwater recharge analyses using water fluctuation data in mountain Geumjeong area, Journal of Environmental Science International, 17(2), 257-267 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  6. Kim, Y.L., Woo, N.C., Lee, S.D., Hong, T.K., Kim, J., 2008b, Periodic variation of water table at a headwater catchment in the Gwangneung ecohydrological research site, Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 13(1), 43-51 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  7. Larocque, M., Mangin, A., Razack, M., Banton, O., 1998, Contribution of correlation and spectral analyses to the regional study of a large karst aquifer (Charente, France), Journal of Hydrology, 205, 217-231. 

  8. Lee, B.J., Hwang, S.E., 2008, Evaluation of characteristics of seawater intrusion based on the groundwater fluctuations: Baksu area, Yeonggwang-gun, Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, 44(2), 232-240 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  9. Lee, D.S., Lee, H.Y., Nam, K.S., Yang, S.Y., 1974, Explanatory text of the geological map of Chuncheon sheet (1:50,000), Geological and Mineral Institute of Korea, 18p. 

  10. Lee, J.Y., Lee, K.K., 2000, Use of hydrologic time series data for identification of recharge mechanism in a fractured bedrock aquifer system, Journal of Hydrology, 229, 190-201. 

  11. Lee, J.Y., Lee, K.K., 2002, A comparative study on characteristics of waterlevel responses to rainfall in the two aquifer systems, Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 7(1), 3-14 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  12. Lee, M.J., Kim, G.B., Sohn, Y.C., Lee, J.Y., Lee, K.J., 2004, Time series analysis of groundwater level data obtained from national groundwater monitoring stations, Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, 40(3), 305-329 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  13. Lim, H.G., Choi, H.M., Lee, J.Y., 2011, Comparison of hydrogeological time series analysis results before and after detrending, Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 16(2), 30-40 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  14. Mok, J.K., Lim, H.G., Jang, B.J., Park, Y.C., Lee, J.Y., 2011, Time series analysis of the effect of ground-source heat pumps on groundwater characteristics, Journal of Engineering Geology, 21(1), 35-43 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  15. Molenat, J., Davy, P., Gascuel-Odoux, C., Durand, P., 1999, Study of three subsurface hydrologic systems based on spectral and cross-spectral analysis of time series, Journal of Hydrology, 222, 152-164. 

  16. Park, H.I., Chi, J.M., Chang, K.H., Ko, I.S., 1974, Explanatory text of the geological map of Naepyeong sheet (1:50,000), Geological and Mineral Institute of Korea, 13p. 

  17. Park, Y.Y., Lee, K.S., Yu, J.Y., 2006, Seasonal variations of dissolved ions and oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of precipitation in Chuncheon, Korea, Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, 42(2), 283-292 (in Korean with English abstract). 

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