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식품안전성에 대한 인식이 배달 또는 테이크아웃 음식 이용에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Customer Perception about Food Safety on the Use of Restaurant Food Delivery or Takeout 원문보기

대한영양사협회 학술지 = Journal of the Korean dietetic association, v.28 no.3, 2022년, pp.182 - 194  

백선영 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ,  석용희 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ,  이현숙 (연세대학교 식품영양학과) ,  함선옥 (연세대학교 식품영양학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an explosive increase in restaurant meal delivery or takeout. The purpose of this study was to analyze the consumer perception of food safety and its influence on the purchase of delivery or takeout food from restaurants. This study, the 2020 ...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (24)

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  4. Jin HJ, Lim JY, Lee KI (2014): The sentiment index of consumers about food safety and analysis for influential factors. J Consum Policy Stud 45(2):1-21. 

  5. Kang HJ, Lee BH (2020): Analysis of determinants of delivery and take-out food consumption of single-person household. Korean J Agric Manag Policy 47(3):471-494 

  6. Kim HA, Jung HY (2018): A study of consumer perceptions of food safety and food buying behavior. Culin Sci Hosp Res 24(3):93-103 

  7. Kim HC, Kim MR (2019): Analysis of the consumption behaviors and factors determining the use of delivery or take-out foods. J East Asian Soc Diet Life 29(3):168-179 

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  9. Kim JH, Lim SS (2021): An analysis of delivery and take-out food consumption according to household type. J Converg Inf Technol 11(11):327-334 

  10. Kim JM, Hong SH (2018): Investigation of food safety attitude, knowledge, and behavior in college students in Gyeonggi region. J Food Hyg Saf 33(6):438-446 

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  19. Lee SL, Choi IS, Kim JH (2020): Healthy eating capability of one-person households-the effects of eating alone, meal types, and dietary lifestyles. Fam Environ Res 58(4):483-496 

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  24. Yoo HJ (2016): The effects of concerns on food safety and trust in label information on label use and willingness to pay among Korean consumers. Crisisonomy 12(2):167-178 

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