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[국내논문] 변증(辨證) 기반 진료수행시험(CPX) 시나리오를 이용한 역할극에 대한 학생 자가 평가의 일치도와 개선 방안
Consistency of Student Self-Assessment of Role Play Using the Syndrome Differentiation-Based Clinical Performance Examination Scenario and Improvement Measures 원문보기

대한예방한의학회지 = Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine, v.26 no.2, 2022년, pp.37 - 53  

조학준 (세명대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실) ,  조나영 (세명대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실) ,  박정수 (세명대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : This study analyzed the concordance between student self-assessment and peer-evaluation in a role play using the Clinical Performance Examination (CPX) scenario developed based on Korean medical syndrome differentiation. Methods : The subjects of this study are first-year-students major...


참고문헌 (22)

  1. Jo HJ, Min SH. Current status and future tasks of Clinical Performance Evaluation (CPX) in the nationwide colleges (graduate schools) of Traditional Korean Medicine. The Jounal of Korean Medical History. 2020;33(2):9-21. 

  2. Jo HJ. Exploring the Conditions that Will Allow for Change in Traditional Korean Medicine Curricula - Focusing on the Integrated Curriculum -. The Journal Of Korean Medical Classics. 2020;33(3):66,67,69. 

  3. Ju DH, Kim BS. Clinical presentation with 「PangYakHapPyon(方藥合編)」 in Korean medicine. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2019;40(1):1-11. 

  4. Jo HJ, Jo NY. Developing a Standardized Patient Program using Internal Damage Fever Cases in Korean Medical Education. The Journal Of Korean Medical Classics. 2020;33(4):33-56. 

  5. Jo HJ, Jo NY, Roh JD, Park JS. A Survey on Clinical Practice Students' Perception of Clinical Performance Examination in a College of Korean Medicine Using the Actor Standardized Patient and Student Standardized Patient The Journal of Oriental Medical Preventive. 2021;25(3):101-115. 

  6. Jo HJ, Roh JD, Sung HK, Park JS. A Survey on Students' Perception of Clinical Performance Examination (CPX) in College of Korean Medicine Using Student Standardized Patients. The Journal of Oriental Medical Preventive. 2020;24(3):1-13. 

  7. Jo HJ, Jo NY. Developing a Standardized Patient Program using Internal Damage Fever Cases in Korean Medical Education. The Journal Of Korean Medical Classics. 2020;33(4):33-56. 

  8. Van Ments, M. 1990. The effective use of role play: A handbook for teachers and trainers. Kogan page. Kim KM. The use of Role-play for social work practice education. Korean Journal of Social Welfare Education. 2012;20:114. requoting. 

  9. Kim KM. The use of Role-play for social work practice education. Korean Journal of Social Welfare Education. 2012;20:112-130. 

  10. Lihm HS, Choi JS, Kim HY. The Effectiveness of Medical Communication Skill of Medical Students, through an Emphasis on Role Play. Kosin Medical Journal. 2012;27(2):151-159. 

  11. Kim YJ, Lee SH, Yoo HH. Analysis of Students' Reflective Journals on Medical Communication Role Plays. Korean Medical Education Review. 2017;19(3):169-174. 

  12. Kim MJ, Song JS, Shin TJ, Kim YJ, Kim JW, Jang KT, Lee SH, Hyun HK. Student Satisfaction and Achievement after Role-playing in a Pediatric Dentistry Class. J Korean Acad Pediatr Dent. 2018;45(3):280-289. 

  13. Kim SO, KIM SM. Effects of the Role Play-Based Practice Education on Nursing Students. Journal of The Korean Data Analysis Society. 2015;17(5):2837-2848. 

  14. Cho EA. Effects of Nursing Education Using Role Play of Delivery on Communication Ability and Self-directed Learning of Nursing Students. The Korean Entertainment Industry Association. 2015;9(4):351-360. 

  15. Hong YJ. Clinical Education using a Standardized Patients. Korean Journal of Medical Education. 1992;4(2):13-17. 

  16. Korea Association of Medical Colleges. The Guide to Clinical Performance. Seoul. ACADEMYA. 2014:53-59. 

  17. Shin SY. An analysis of difference in team-based learning composed based on DISC behavior patterns on learning attitude, team task performance and learning satisfaction of job strategy class. Master's thesis. Pusan. Graduate School of Education consulting Pukyoung National University. 2019:7-8. 

  18. Larry K. Michaelsen, Arletta B. Knight, L. Dee Fink original work. Lee YM, Jeon DG trans. Team-Based Learling. Seoul. HAKJISA, Inc.. 2009:88. 

  19. Choi JY, Jang KS, Choi SH, Hong MS. Validity and Reliability of a Clinical Performance Examination using Standardized Patients. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 2008;38(1):85-87. 

  20. Kim MJ, Song JS, Shin TJ, Kim YJ, Kim JW, Jang KT, Lee SH, Hyun HK, Student Satisfaction and Achievement after Role-playing in a Pediatric Dentistry Class. Journal Of The Korean Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry. 2018;45(3):285. 

  21. Zubair Amin, Chong Yap Seng, Khoo Hoon Eng original work. Jeong MH, Kim SH, Ryu SH et al. trans.. Practical Guide to Medical Student Assessment. Seoul. KOONJA Inc.. 2012:60. 

  22. Jo NY, Jo HJ. Curating the Korean Medical Classics Curriculum with a Focus on Its Introductory Role to Clinical Korean Medicine. Journal of Korean Medicine Classics. 2021;34(2):1-22. 

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