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수산계 고등학교 활성화 방안
Measures to revitalize fisheries high school 원문보기

수산해양기술연구 = Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology, v.58 no.3, 2022년, pp.262 - 271  

이유원 (부경대학교 해양생산시스템관리학부) ,  이종호 (경남해양과학고등학교 자영해양생산과) ,  박태건 (한국해양수산연수원 교육기획팀) ,  류경진 (부경대학교 실습선)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of admission and employment in fisheries high schools (FHS) and to consider ways to revitalize FHS through substantialization. The recruitment rate of new students in FHS decreased from 97.4% in 2016 to 83.2% in 2020. The aging training ship tha...


참고문헌 (15)

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  5. Kim DG. 1996. Current status of the fishery industry in Gyeongnam and the role of fisheries high school. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 8, 151-165. 

  6. Kim SG. 2003. The focus and developmental direction of the fisheries and maritime high school curriculum. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 15, 154-165. 

  7. KMI. 2003. Measures to foster fisheries high schools for nurturing fisheries experts. Report of MOF, 1-176. 

  8. Korean Educational Statistics Service (KESS). 2022. Post-graduation situation by high school type by year. Retrieved from https://kess.kedi.re.kr/mobile/stats/school?menuCd0101&cd5493&survSeq2021itemCode01&menuIdm_010105&uppCd1010105&uppCd2010105&flagA. Accessed 8 July 2022. 

  9. Kwon HK. 2021. Trends in the number of high schools and students by year. Education Policy Forum 341, 1-3. 

  10. Lee BG. 1988. Prospects of the Korean fishery industry and the direction of fisheries education. J Fish Mar Sci Edu first issue, 7-16. 

  11. Lee BG. 1992. Current status and prospect of fisheries high school education in Japan. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 4, 75-87. 

  12. Lee KN and Cheong JH. 2013. Plan for countermeasure and prospect of demand and supply about seamen in Korea. J Fish Bus Adm 44, 47-60. https://doi.org/10.12939/FBA.2013.44.3.047. 

  13. Moon SH. 1993. A research study to find ways to vitalize the education of fisheries high school. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 5, 1-13. 

  14. Park JU, Kang B and Lee KT. 2015. Exploring plans to improve the onboard training management for fisheries high school. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 27, 1404-1412. https://doi.org/10.13000/JFMSE.2015.27.5.1404. 

  15. Park YH. 1991. Promoting measures for Korean marine industry education. J Fish Mar Sci Edu 3, 1-8. 

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