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셀프리더십과 고객지향성의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과: 항공사 객실승무원 중심으로
A Study on the Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Self-leadership and Customer Orientation: Focusing on Airline Cabin Crew 원문보기

品質經營學會誌 = Journal of Korean society for quality management, v.50 no.3, 2022년, pp.441 - 457  

권도희 (영산대학교 항공관광학과) ,  이승해 (한양대학교 상담심리대학원 상담심리학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of self-leadership on self-efficacy and customer orientation and to verify whether there is a mediating effect of self-efficy on the relationship between self-leadership and customer orientation. Methods: To verify these research problems, ...


표/그림 (13)

참고문헌 (52)

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