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[국내논문] A Review of Extended STR Loci and DNA Database 원문보기

Biomedical science letters = 대한의생명과학회지, v.28 no.3, 2022년, pp.157 - 169  

Cho, Yoonjung (Forensic DNA Division, National Forensic Service) ,  Lee, Min Ho (Forensic DNA Division, National Forensic Service) ,  Kim, Su Jin (Forensic DNA Division, National Forensic Service) ,  Park, Ji Hwan (Forensic DNA Division, National Forensic Service) ,  Jung, Ju Yeon (Forensic DNA Division, National Forensic Service)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

DNA typing is the typical technology in the forensic science and plays a significant role in the personal identification of victims and suspects. Short tandem repeat (STR) is the short tandemly repeated DNA sequence consisting of 2~7 bp DNA units in specific loci. It is disseminated across the human...


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