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정지궤도위성의 완전 전기추진시스템 적용방안 연구
A Study on the Application of a Fully Electric Propulsion System for Geostationary Missions 원문보기

항공우주시스템공학회지 = Journal of aerospace system engineering, v.16 no.5, 2022년, pp.26 - 34  

최재동 (한국항공우주연구원) ,  박봉규 (한국항공우주연구원)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

정지궤도위성의 추진시스템은 전이궤도에서 궤도상승, 정상 운영모드에서 남/북방향, 동/서방향 궤도위치유지 및 모멘텀 덤핑을 위해 일반적으로 사용된다. 최근 정지궤도위성에 완전 전기추진시스템을 적용할 경우 화학추진시스템 보다 탑재체의 탑재용량이 약 40% 증가 할 수 있어 정지궤도 위성에 전기추진시스템의 활용이 점차 증가 되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 장점에도 불구하고 전기추진시스템의 사용이 모든 정지궤도위성에 적용하기에는 여러 제약 조건이 있어 위성 임무에 따라 이에 적합한 추진시스템을 적용하여 왔다. 본 연구에서는 완전 전기추진시스템 적용한 국내 정지궤도위성 개발 시 고려되어야 할 정지궤도위성의 운영제약조건 분석, 전기추력기에 의한 오염영향, 방사선 노출에 따른 부품배치 고려 및 제어메카니즘 설계, 전기추력기용 고전압 제어유닛의 부동접지 설계방안들이 분석되었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The propulsion system of geostationary orbiting satellites is typically used to raise the orbit into a transfer orbit, maintain the orbital position in the south/north, east/west direction in regular operation, and accumulate momentum in the south/north and east/west direction. Recently, when an ele...


표/그림 (10)

참고문헌 (13)

  1. M. D. Tata, P. E. Frigot, S. Beekmans, H. Lubberstedt, D. Birreck, "SGEO Development Status and Opportunities for the EP-based Small European Telecommunication Platform" IEPEC-2011-203, pp. 1-10, September 2011. 

  2. J. A. Gonzalez del Amo1 & D. M. Di Cara, "European Space Agency Electric Propulsion Activities", International Electric Propulsion Conference 2022, Boston, US, June 19 - 23, 2022. 

  3. C.J.Lee, K.H.Lee, "Preliminary feasibility study for application of electric propulsion system for Geostationary satellites," Konkuk Univ. Industry·University Cooperation Foundation Feasibility Study Report, March. 2020. 

  4. J.A.Gonzalez del Amo, "Electrical Propulsion Activities at ESA" https:///www.epic-src.eu, November 2021. 

  5. H.J.Leiter, CH.Altmann, R.Kukies, J.Kuhmann, J.P. Porst, "Evolution of the AIRBUS DS GmbH Radio Frequency Ion Thruster Family" Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Kobe-Hyogo, Japan, pp 1-10, July 4-10, 2015. 

  6. H.J.Leuter, Ch.Altmann, J.P.Porst, D.Lauer "Six Decades of Thrust-The Ariane Group Radio frequency Ion Thrusters and System Family" The 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, pp. 1-9, October 8-12 2017. 

  7. Matthias Gollor & Benjamin Fallis, "Grounding Aspects of Power Processing Units for Electric Propulsion onboard Spacecrafts" 10th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, AIAA 2012-4219, Atlanta, Georgia 30 July - 01 August, 2012. 

  8. G.K.Patela, G.P.Reddyb, I.Ahmadc, P.satheeshd and R.L.Corey, "Feasibility Study of All Electric Propulsion System for 3 ton Class Satellite" International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 118, No.16, pp1245-1258, 2018. 

  9. R. B., and D. Pitchford, "Space Weather Concerns for All-Electric Propulsion Satellites", Space Weather, pp13, 430-433, 10 August 2015 

  10. H.Luebberstedt, J.C.Bastante, M.Lau, S.Beekmans, M. de Tata, A. Schneider, "Electra- Full Electric Propulsion Satellite Platform for GEO Mission" https:///www.ohb-system.de/electra-358.html, Electra-Mission Overview, Germany, January 2018. 

  11. Randolph, T., Fischer, G., Pidgeon, D., Rogers, W., Staley, M., Day,M., et al, "Integrated Test of an SPT-100 Subsystem" AIAA-97-2915, 33rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Seattle, WA, July, 1997. 

  12. J.J.Delgado, J.A.Baldwin, R.L.Corey, "Space Systems Loral Electric Propulsion Subsystem: 10 Years of On-Orbit Operation" IEPC 34th, pp1-17, Kobe-hyogo, Japan, July 4-10, 2015. 

  13. Pencil, E. J., Randolph, T.M., and Manzella, D.H., "End-of-Life Stationary Plasma Thruster Far-Field Plume Characterization," AIAA 96-2709, 1996. 

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