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[국내논문] 외부부착형 BCM공법으로 보강된 철근콘크리트 기둥의 내진보강
Seismic Retrofitting of Existing Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Binding Column Method 원문보기

한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 = Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, v.26 no.5, 2022년, pp.119 - 126  

허무원 (단국대학교 건축학부) ,  박태원 (단국대학교 건축학부) ,  이상현 (단국대학교 건축학부) ,  박현수 (신한대학교 디자인학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 내진설계가 되어 있지 않은 필로티 건축물의 부족한 횡력을 보강할 수 있는 외부부착형 내진보강공법(Binding Column Method, BCM)을 제안하였다. 또한, 제안된 내진보강공법을 대상으로 보강실험체 4개, 기준 실험체 1개를 제작하여 반복가력 실험을 통하여 보강 전·후의 내진성능향상 효과를 검토하였다. 실험 결과, 기준 실험체(SC1)는 급격한 강도저하와 함께 취성적인 전단파괴의 양상을 나타낸 반면, BCM 공법을 적용한 실험체(SC2, SC3, SC4, SC5)는 강도 및 강성의 증가와 함께 에너지 흡수 능력이 큰 타원형의 이력특성을 나타내었다. 또한, 간격이 좁고 토크가 크며, L자형 강판의 두께가 두꺼울수록 보강효과가 향상됨을 알 수 있다. BCM공법 중 전단보강간격이 작고, 조임력 값이 크며, 연결철물이 두꺼운 SC4실험체가 가장 뛰어난 내진성능보강 효과를 나타내었다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study proposed a BCM(Binding Column Method) that can reinforce the insufficient seismic force of piloti buildings that are not designed for seismic resistance. In addition, 4 reinforcement specimens and 1 reference specimen were manufactured for the proposed seismic reinforcement method. The ef...


표/그림 (17)

참고문헌 (10)

  1. AIK, (2018), Site Inspection and Damage Investigation of Buildings by Earthquakes in Gyeongju and Pohang. Seoul, Korea; Spacearts Co., Architectural Institute of Korea(AIK), 1-347. 

  2. Yoo, S. H., (2022), Study on the Equation of Natural Period of Middle and Low Rise Building of Upper-Walled Lower Frame Type, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 25(5), 60-68. 

  3. Yoo, S. H., Kim, D. G, (2020), Analytical Study on the Seismic Retrofit Method of Irregular Piolti Building Using Knee-Brace, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 24(1), 35-42. 

  4. Oh, K. Y., Lee, K. M., Lee, K. K., (2020), Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Frame Retrofitted with Steel Chevron Bracing and Infilled Frame, Journal of the Koera Concrete Institute, 32(4), 387-395. 

  5. Kim, K. I., Jung, J. S., Lee, B. G., and Lee, K. S. (2020), Seismic Performance Evaluation of Full-size Two-story R/C Frame Strengthened with Concrete Wingwall with Embedded Kagome Truss by Pseudo-dynamic Test, Journal of th Koera Concrete Institute, 32(2), 173-184. 

  6. Park, W. S., Kim, S. W., Jung, H. S., (2020), Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Retrofitted with Opening-Isolated Type System, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction, 36(2), 137-144. 

  7. Oh, S. H., Kim, J. C, and Shin, S. H. (2019), Damage Investigation of Pilotis Structures and Analysis of Damage Causes by Pohang Earthquake, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 35(3), 387-395. 

  8. Jung, H. C., Jung, J. S., Lee, K. S., (2019), Seismic Performance Evaluation of Internal Steel Frame Connection Method for Seismic Strengthening by Cycling Load Test and Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 31(1), 79-88. 

  9. Moon, E. C., Baek, E. R., Lee, S. H., (2019), Influence of Inter-story Strength and Stiffness Ratios on the Seismic Performance of RC Pilotis Type Building, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 30(6), 633-640. 

  10. Hur, M. W., Chun, Y. S., Lee, S. H., Hwang, J. S., (2018), Mitigating Seismic Response of the RC Framed Apartment Building Structures Using Stair-Installation Kagome Damping System, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 22(5), 23-30. 

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