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반려동물 기능성 식품과 보충제 관련 시장 현황 및 전망
Current Status and Prospect of Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements for Companion Animals 원문보기

축산식품과학과 산업, v.11 no.2, 2022년, pp.54 - 64  

이현정 (아이다호주립대학교)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (28)

  1. APPA. 2017. Pet industry market size & ownership statistics. American Pet Products Association. 

  2. APPA. 2022. Pet industry market size & ownership statistics. American Pet Products Association. https://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp 

  3. Banfield. 2013. State of pet health 2013 report. Banfield Pet Hospital. 

  4. Cozzi B, Ballarin C, Mantovani R, Rota A. 2017. Aging and veterinary care of cats, dogs, and horses through the records of three university veterinary hospitals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4:14. 

  5. Dimscrive. 2010. ペットフ?ド に?するアンケ?ト. 

  6. GfK. 2016. Global study: Pet ownership. 

  7. GfK. 2015. Finding your opportunities in the Chinese pet food & treats market. 

  8. Grand View Research. 2021. Pet supplements market size, share & trends analysis report by pet type (dogs, cats), by distribution channel (offline, online), by region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Central & South America), and segment forecast, 2021-2028. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/pet-supplements-market 

  9. Fortune. 2020a. Pet care market size, share & covid-19 impact analysis, by product type (pet food products, veterinary care, and others), pet type (dog, cat, and others), distribution channel (online and offline), and regional forecast, 2021-2028. Fortune Business Insights. https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/pet-caremarket-104749 

  10. Fortune. 2020b. Pet food market size, share & covid-19 impact analysis, by animal type (dogs, cats, and others), form (dry pet food, wet pet food, and snacks & treats), source (animal and plant), distribution channel (supermarkets/ hypermarkets, specialty pet food stores, online channels, and others), and regional forecast, 2022-2029. Fortune Business Insights. https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/pet-food-market-100554 

  11. Euromonitor. 2012. All the date comes from a study of 53 countries, including 22 in the EU. Euromonitor International. 

  12. Euromonitor. 2021. Pet care in South Korea. Euromonitor International. https://www.euromonitor.com/petcare-in-south-korea/report 

  13. Pet Food Industry. 2013. Pet food manufacturers' share of US market 2013. https://www.petfoodindustry.com/pet-food-market-data/Pet-food-manufacturers-share-of-US-market-2013 

  14. Statista. 2021. Market value of pet related businesses in Japan from fiscal year 2013 to 2020 with forecasts until 2022 (in trillion Japanese Yen). https://www.statista.com/statistics/739184/japan-pet-market-retailvalue/#:~:textIn%fiscal%year%2022%2C%the,pet%salons%or%funeral%services 

  15. Statista. 2022a. Pet market sales in the United States from 2011 to 2021, by category (in billion U.S. dollars). https://www.statista.com/statistics/253983/pet-market-sales-in-the-us-by-category/ 

  16. Statista. 2022b. Market size of pet-related businesses in urban China from 2011 to 2021 (in billion yuan). https://www.statista.com/statistics/765681/china-pet-market-size/ 

  17. TechNavio. 2016. Global pet dietary supplements market 2016-2020. 

  18. 관세청. 2021. 수출입무역통계. 대한민국 관세청. 

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  22. 농림수산검역검사본부. 2010. 2010년 동물보호에 대한 국민인식 조사결과. 

  23. 농림축산식품부. 2016. 반려동물 보호 및 관련산업. 

  24. 농수산식품부. 2015. 2015년도 동물보호에 대한 국민의식조사 결과. 

  25. 농협경제연구소. 2016. 반려동물 관련산업 시장동향과 전망. 

  26. 한국갤럽. 2015. 반려동물동거 현황, 동물에 대한 인식조사. 

  27. 한국농촌경제연구원. 2018. 반려동물 연관산업 발전방안 연구 보고서. 

  28. 통계청. 2016. 장래 가구 추계 및 장래 인구 추계. 대한민국 통계청. 

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