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[국내논문] 제조업 사업장 사내협력업체 사고사례의 시스템적 분석에 관한 연구
A Study on System-Based Accident Analysis : An Accident at In-house Subcontractor of a Manufacturing Company 원문보기

한국안전학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, v.37 no.5, 2022년, pp.42 - 55  

서동현 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실) ,  최이락 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실) ,  박장현 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실) ,  한우섭 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, an accident at an in-house maintenance subcontractor of a manufacturing company was analyzed using representative systemic analysis methods, and the results were compared to determine the socio-technical and organizational structure causal factors. Systemic accident analyses were perf...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (45)

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