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모바일 게임에서 내적동기가 플레이어의 경험에 미치는 영향 분석
Analysis of the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Player Experience in Mobile Games 원문보기

멀티미디어학회논문지 = Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, v.25 no.11, 2022년, pp.1591 - 1600  

풍정위 (Dept. of Storytelling, Graduate of School, Dong-Eui University) ,  이홍매 (Dept. of korean language as a Foreign languages, Graduate of School, Pusan National University) ,  김치용 (Major of Game Engineering, Dong-Eui University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the prosperity of Internet, the game industry is occuping an important position in the national economic system. The study on the game industry which has been drawing eyes from researchers is of great significance. Many scholars have done researches on game motivations, but the elements of intr...


참고문헌 (14)

  1. eMarketer market research agency, http://www.199it.com/ (accessed March 19, 2022). 

  2. China Game Work Committee (GPC), China Game Industry Research Institute Gamma Data (2021), https://k.sina.com.cn/article_2634877355_9d0d09ab040011b2k.html (accessed May 03, 2022). 

  3. A.Q. Zhang, Research on Motivational P sychology Towards the 21st Century, Master's Thesis of Central China Normal University Press, Wuhan, 2002. 

  4. R.M. Ryan and E.L. Deci, "Self-Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation Social Development, and Well-Being [J]," The American Psychologist, pp. 68-78, 2000. 

  5. A.K. Przybylski, N. Weinstein, R.M. Ryan, and C.S. Rigby, "Having to Versus Wanting to Play:Background and Consequences of Harmonious Versus Obsessive Engagement in Video Games," Cyber Psychology & Behavior, Vol. 12, No, 5, pp. 485-492, 2009. 

  6. Y.B. Jang, "A Study on Online Game Usage Motives and Online Game Over-Immersion in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Focused on Users in Their Twenties," Journal of the Korean Game Society, pp. 81-92, 2022. 

  7. S.O. Lee, The Relationship Between Internet Game Addiction and Game Motivation, SelfConsolation and Psychological Well-Being, Master's Thesis of Hanyang University Graduate School of Education, Seoul, 2004. 

  8. K.H. Han, T.W. Kim, and Y.K. Kim, "A Study on the Use of Mobile Games by Adolescents From the Point of View of Use and Satisfaction," Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Education, pp. 61-73, 2005. 

  9. J.W. Park and Y.S. Song, "The Effect of College Students' Motivation for Using Online Games on Experience Satisfaction," Korean Literature, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 131-154, 2010. 

  10. N. Yee, "The Demographics, Motivations, and Derived Experiences of Users of Massively Multi-User Online Graphical Environments," Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp 309-329, 2006. 

  11. W. Jane, K. T. Linda and R. Lisa,"The Dimensionality and Correlates of Flow in Human-Computer Interactions," Computer in Human Behavior, Vol. 9. Issue 4, pp. 411-426, 1993. 

  12. Table 1 shows the effects of intrinsic motivation in games analyzed in [Translations of 'MMORPG Player Motivation Study' By Nick Yee (2007)]. 

  13. Data analytics company Sensor Tower, https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11968573 (accessed July 01, 2021). 

  14. W. Ijsselsteijn, W. van den Hoogen, C. Klimmt, and Y. de Kort, "Measuring the Experience of Digital Game Enjoyment," Proceedings of Measuring Behavior, pp. 88-89, 2008. 

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