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공공도서관 독서프로그램 운영 현황분석 및 정책 제안 - 국가도서관통계시스템 데이터를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Analysis of Public Library Reading Program Operation Status and Policy Proposal: Focusing on National Library Statistics System Data 원문보기

한국비블리아학회지 = Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, v.34 no.4, 2023년, pp.125 - 147  

심효정 (대진대학교 문헌정보학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 문헌연구와 국가도서관통계시스템 데이터를 중심으로 공공도서관에서 진행되는 독서프로그램의 현황을 분석하여 시사점을 도출하고 이를 기반으로 향후 공공도서관의 독서프로그램 활성화를 위해 필요한 정책 방향 등을 제안하고자 하였다. 분석을 통해 도출된 시사점을 바탕으로 첫째, 공공도서관 독서 활동 데이터 확보와 공유 방안을 제안하였다. 둘째, 지속가능한 독서프로그램 추진을 위한 방안 제안을 위해 독서프로그램 기획과 운영에 관련있는 요소의 상관관계 분석결과를 제시하였다. 셋째, 독서프로그램 평가지표 개선 및 질적 평가의 확산을 언급하고 문화체육관광부, 한국도서관협회 등에 상시적으로 공공도서관 현장의 의견을 수렴할 수 있는 공식 창구 마련 등을 제안하였다. 넷째, 독서대전 개최지역 공공도서관들 간 협의체 구성 운영을 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study analyzes the current status of reading programs in public libraries based on literature research and data from the National Library Statistics System to derive implications and, based on this, to determine policy directions necessary to revitalize reading programs in public libraries in t...


표/그림 (15)

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Chang, Durkhyun (2014). A research on cultural programs in public libraries in busan metro?area. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(4), 173-192.?https://dx.doi.org/10.4275/KSLIS.2014.48.4.173 

  2. Choi, Sanghee (2020). Analysis of public library programs: u. s. public libraries' practices. Journal?of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(4), 351-374. https://dx.doi.org/10.16981/kliss.51.4.202012.351 

  3. Hoang, Gum-Sook, Kim, Sookyong, & Park, Miyoung (2008). A study on analysis and improvement?of cultural programs in public libraries. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science?Society, 39(1), 219-244. https://dx.doi.org/10.16981/kliss.39.1.200803.219 

  4. Kang, Soo-Geol (2022, September). Does the Korea Reading Festival Drive the Development?of Local Publishing Culture? Publishing N, 36. 

  5. Kim, Hong Ryul (2004). A study on the cultural and educational function of public libraries?for regional development. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,?35(4), 339-360. 

  6. Korea Publishing Industry Promotion Agency (2023). KPIPA Report: Korea Reading Festival?Development Plan. 

  7. Korea Reading Festival Goyang (2023, October 30). Available: https://korearf.kpipa.or.kr/uss/mpe/pageDetai.do?cntntsIdC0000000000000000006&menuNo10050100 

  8. Kwak, Chul-Wan, Ahn, Inja, Kim, Hoyeon, & Park, Miyoung (2009). A study of the model?and program manual of public library cultural programs. Journal of the Korean Biblia?Society for Library and Information Science, 20(1), 197-208. 

  9. Library Policy Division, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2023). Briefing Session on the?2023 Public Library Operation Evaluation Guidelines. 

  10. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2008). A Study on the Supporting of Culture Programs?in Libraries. 

  11. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2012). Survey of Cultural Programs in Public Libraries?Across the Country. 

  12. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2019). The 3rd Reading Culture Promotion Basic Plan?(2019-2023). 

  13. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2020). Project to Improve National Library Operation?Evaluation Indicators and Evaluation System. 

  14. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2022). 2022 Annual Report on Reading Promotion. 

  15. National Book City Council (2023.11.01.). Available: http://bookct.kr/web/page.php?pcodeAE 

  16. National Library Statistics System Homepage (2023, April 10). Announcement of Public Library?Statistical Survey Schedule for 2023(as of '22) Public Library Statistical Survey Plan for?2023('22 performance). Available: https://www.libsta.go.kr/board/notice/detail/6917 

  17. National Library Statistics System Homepage (2023, Nov 1). Available: https://www.libsta.go.kr/main 

  18. Presidential Committee on Library Information Policy, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism?(2020). 2020 ('19 performance) National Library Operation Evaluation Results Report. 

  19. Presidential Committee on Library Information Policy, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism?(2021). 2021 ('20 performance) National Library Operation Evaluation Results Report. 

  20. Seo, Sang-won (2022). A Study on Cases of Operation and Direction of Utilization of Metaverse?Cultural Programs in Domestic Public Libraries. Master's thesis, Incheon National University?Graduate School, Department of Library and Information Science. 

  21. Song, Min Sun, Kim, Soo Kyoung, Hoang, Gum-Sook, & Chang, Inho (2023). Promoting reading?culture in goyang city: an analysis of the reading environment and evaluation of related?projects. Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 40(2), 1-31.?https://dx.doi.org/10.3743/KOSIM.2023.40.2.001? 

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