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펑첸왕 중국 패션 컬렉션에 나타난 신-해체주의 특성
Characteristics of neo-deconstruction in Feng Chen Wang's Chinese fashion collection 원문보기

The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.31 no.6, 2023년, pp.806 - 823  

임안나 (한양대학교 의류학과 휴먼테크융합전공) ,  이연희 (한양대학교 의류학과 휴먼테크융합전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The aim of this study was to analyze the design characteristics of Chinese fashion designer Feng Chen Wang and interpret their implicit meaning from a neo-deconstruction perspective. A review of domestic and foreign literature, outlined the develop- ment of deconstruction and neo-deconstruction, wit...


참고문헌 (50)

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