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Investigations on the emergency operation status of existing medical facilities to prepare for emerging infectious diseases in the post-COVID-19 era 원문보기

의료·복지건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집 = Journal of Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture, v.29 no.1, 2023년, pp.43 - 51  

이세진 (건축학과, 서울대학교) ,  이원석 (건축학과, 서울대학교) ,  김은석 (서울특별시 공공보건의료재단) ,  여명석 (건축학과, 서울대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: To accommodate the increasing number of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous portable HEPA filter units (PHUs) were installed in the general wards of existing medical facilities(EMFs) to convert them into emergency conversion facilities (ECFs). The purpose of this study was to bu...


표/그림 (8)

참고문헌 (8)

  1. 보건복지부, 2020, 코로나19 중증환자 긴급치료병상 시설기준[병동형] 

  2. 이원석, 이세진, 김희강, 여명석, 2022, "이동형 음압기를 적용한 긴급 전환형 임시음압격리병실의 실내 환경 측정 분석", 의료.복지 건축, 28(4), 89-97쪽 

  3. 질병관리본부, 2019, 국가지정 입원치료병상 운영과 관리 지침 

  4. 한국공기청정협회, 2021, SPS-C KACA 0031-7423:2021(이동형 음압기와 양압기) 

  5. Robert D. Booth; LT.Samantha J. Ponce; Gregory J. Corso; CAPT.?Shelley K. Perkins, 2021, "Current/Updated Health Care Facilities?Ventilation Controls and Guidelines for Management of Patients?with Suspected or Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)", ASHE,?USA 

  6. Lee, J. K.; Jeong, H. W., 2020, "Rapid expansion of temporary, reliable?airborne-infection isolation rooms with negative air machines for?critical COVID-19 patients.", American journal of infection control,?48(7), p.822-824 

  7. Miller, S. L.; Clements, N.; Elliott, S. A.; Subhash, S. S.; Eagan, A.;?Radonovich, L. J., 2017, "Implementing a negative-pressure?isolation ward for a surge in airborne infectious patients.",?American journal of infection control, 45(6), p.652-659 

  8. Mousavi, E. S.; Pollitt, K. J. G.; Sherman, J.; Martinello, R. A., 2020,?"Performance analysis of portable HEPA filters and temporary?plastic anterooms on the spread of surrogate coronavirus.",?Building and environment, 183, p.107186 

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