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북한산림복구용 용기묘 식재기 개발
Development of Pottery Planting Equipment for the Restoration of North Korean Forest 원문보기

環境復元綠化 = Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, v.26 no.1, 2023년, pp.61 - 68  

최종오 (강릉원주대학교 환경조경학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In North Korea, the production of courage tombs continues, and it is known that the activity rate is higher than that of old tombs. However, pot seedling are planted using hoes and shovels used for planting old tombs with exposed roots and low activity rates. This is believed to result in excessive ...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Choi Hyun-Hwa et al. 2017 "Selected species of?afforestation for use to support forest?restoration in North Korea", Research on?Unification Problems, Vol. 29, No. 1,?37-56 

  2. Forest of People, 2014 "Development of?Guidelines for Implementation of?Inter-Korean Forest Cooperation", Policy?Research Service Report (Forest?Administration). 

  3. Forest Service, 2022 "Detailed Implementation?Plan for Major Tasks in 2022", 90~95. 

  4. Kim Young-sook, 2016 "Tree seedling raising?worker cultivation reference book ",?Industrial Publishing House. 

  5. Lee Jong-min et al. 2017 "Kim Jong-un?(2012-2016) Analysis of Forest-related?Reports in North Korea: Status and?Limitations of Forest Recovery Projects"?Peace Research Institute: Volume 29,?Research on Unification Issues 2, 49-81. 

  6. Lee Sung-yeon and Park Kyung-seok, 2006?"Measures for Inter-Korean Forestry?Cooperation in the wake of Changes in?North Korean Forest Policy," Regular?Academic Presentation Papers of the?Korean Society of Forestry, 542-544 

  7. Oh Sam-eon, Kim Eun-hee, Kim Kyung-min,?2018 "Characteristics of Forest Policy in?the Age of Kim Jong-un" North Korean?Studies Research Vol. 14 No. 2, 101-133 

  8. Park Kyung-seok and Park So-young, 2021 "The?Direction of Supporting Forest Recovery?in North Korea through South Korea's?Forest Recovery Experience", Volume 8,?North Korean Studies No. 1, 133-159. 

  9. Park Kyung-suk et al, 2011 "A Study on the?Basic Direction of Devastated Forest?Recovery Considering the Economic and?Social Conditions of North Korea" ,?Korean Forest Science Society, Volume?100 No. 3, 423-431 

  10. Park Ok-sil's 2016 "Technical Questions and?Answers on Tree Planting", Science?Encyclopedia Publisher. 

  11. Peace Research Institute, 2018 "Road of?Unification, Sangseo-ri Cemeteries in?South Pyongan Province, More Than the?Possibility of Forest Restoration in North?Korea", Vol. 417, 30-33. 

  12. Peace Research Institute, 2019 "Unified South?Korea in the direction of satisfying the?needs of North Korean forest restoration?residents", Vol. 422, 30-31. 

  13. Peace Research Institute, 2018 "Road to?Unification Pyongan Namdo Sangseori?Nursery, Possibility of Restoration of?North Korean Forests, Vol. 417, 30-33 

  14. Yong-Hwan Kim, 2005 "A Study on the?Ecological Restoration Plan for the?Deforestation of North Korean Forests"?"North Korean Studies Journal", Vol. 9,?No.2, 21-50 

  15. Yoon, Yi-Chang et al., 1999 "North and South?Korea Cooperation Tasks and Strategies?in the Forest Sector", "North Korean?Studies Journal", Vol 3, No. 2, 53-82 

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